The Proceedings of 20th IPMA World Congress on Project Management(全二册)

出版时间:2006-10  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:中国(双法)项目管理研究委员会 编  页数:998  字数:1587000  




Track A Government & Public Sectors  The Government Management of the Projects of Municipal Public Utility Invested by the Roll of Community Facilities Construction in Shanghai  Scheming Framework of Strategic Project  The Development Directiin of Chinese Projest Management   Risk-raing System for fixde-asset Loan  The Srudy to the Relevant Issues of Asset Appraisal to Mortgage Loan lf Road Toll Rights Project  Design of New Product Launching Activities by Project——Project Life Cycle Theory on Traditional Chiese Medicine New Product Launching   The Arbitration Validity of BOT Concession Agreement in China   The Way of Project Management in State-owned Inverstment Company   Management of Imternational Technical Assistance Projects-Approaches,Practice,Experience  The Meanitn of the Softskills for an“administrative management by Projects”  Fast-Track Project Management in the Biopharmaceutical Industry  Project Management Licensing Scheme for UK Governmert   Barrier to SUccess in Projects-Application to Iran and Emerging Countries  Social Mobilisation: A Tool for Community Empowerment  Transformation of IDEFO Models into Project Plans:The Case of the Logistics of Special  An Analysis of Project Contract Procurement in the Public Sector in China,the United Kingdom and the Unitde Nations  Developing Programme Management Leaders in the Northern Ireland Public Sector through Academic EnterpriseTrack B Transportation,Energy & Environment   How to Realize the Organic Association of Resources Under New Power Construction Siruation   Study on Integrated Management of Information in the Large-scale Transportation Engineering   Initiator’s Integraterd Management in China’s LNG Project  ……Track C Construction Real Estate,Facility ManagementTrack D Aerospace & DefenseTrack E Information & Communication TechnologyTrack F Education,Certification,Standard & ProfessionTrack G PM Techcical & MethodTrack H PM Tools & SoftwareTrack I Enterprise Project Management



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