出版时间:2008-07-01 出版社:中国农业出版社 作者:宋金品 编 页数:175
在面临新起点、新机遇和新挑战的新世纪,随着中国与国际接轨的步伐加快,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的国际交流和社会交往与日俱增,色彩纷呈的异国文化越来越多地进入了我们的生活,让我们接触来自不同文明社会的人和事物的机会越来越多,尤其是英语国家。作为长期从事国际合作办学、培养赴外留学生的教师,我们在文化交流和教学实践中发现,在对英语国家文化的理解上,在与英语国家人士交往中,尤其是在身处英语 国家的环境时,跨文化交际并非一件想像中那么简单、容易的事情。由于文化上的差异,来自于不同文明环境的人,在思维方式、社会习俗、生活习惯乃至行为方式上,都有相当惊人的差异。我们的学生在迥然不同的陌生环境中,由于对文化差异的认识不足、了解不够,在日常生活和与人交际的过程中,不可避免地会出现与当地文化冲撞的情况。因此,培养他们的跨文化交际能力显得尤其重要。 正是从这一点出发,我们怀着极大的热忱,为即将奔赴英语国家留学深造的学生编写了《跨文化交际读写教程》一书,希望此书在有限的篇幅内不仅提高他们的综合语言能力,更能有效地培养他们的跨文化交际能力,成为他们开启英语国家文化的入门钥匙,为他们在留学阶段与当地文化的融合助一臂之力。 2.编写原则 1)根据图式理论这种新发展起来的认知语言学理论,阅读是一种读者的图式知识(schematic knowledge)与篇章内容相互作用、相互交流的过程。因此,人们对语篇的连贯理解有赖于大脑中的图式知识。生活在不同 文化语境中的人们具有不同的图式知识。
Unit 1 people Facts about American Indians Today Unit 2 CustomsIn Certain Circles,Two Is a Crowd Unit 3 EducationThe Rise in Autism and Its Cost Unit 4 Enterainment Behing the Scenes of Secret Surveillance and Its Public Unmasking Unit 5 Health Obesity Unit 6 Travel Traveling Solo or in a Group:Pros and Cons Unit 7 Trade What is Intrenational Trade?Unit 8 Technology The Memory Unit 9 Life Style Uncommon courtesy Unit 10 Literature Free Fall Key 主要参考书目
A few years back,I made up my mind I wouldn't buy anything I didn'turgently need unless a salesperson was convincingly persuasive.As a result ofthis self-imposed discipline,I saved $ 46,734. Want to know a few things I didn't buy?An automobile,for one.I calleda dealer I knew and inquired whether his new models had arrived.“Yes,”hemade no suggestion of having a salesperson drive me around the block or oflending me one to drive on the weekend.He never called back,nor did Ireceive a phone call from one of his salespersons.So,I didn't buy a car. I visited a luggage shop in search of some lightweight luggage.Asalesperson started to show me some pieces when he was summoned on thetelephone.He came back and embarked on the merits of his product when thephone rang again.I waved good-bye to him.He knew me,but he never calledto apologize for his poor service.That night when the manager asked what sortof day he had,he probably replied,“There weren't many buyers today;onlylookers.”I don't blame him,but I do fault his management,which had notemphasized that the customer at hand takes precedence over the one on thetelephone. The advertisements of the new thin watches impressed me,but since I hada perfectly good 25-year-old watch,I was looking for some compelling reasonto junk it and buy a new one.When I asked a jewelry salesperson why I shouldbuy it,he looked around and finally said,“It'S newer.”That,I knew,butthat was not a sufficient reason to make a purchase. The volume of lost business to retailers and industry as a whole isappalling.Some merchandise can be sold without a salesperson,but manyproducts require an introduction and presentation.If stores are dedicated toself-service,then it is incumbent on them to organize displays and stocking foreasy shopping,but if they profess to supply service,then they must provideadequate,well-versed sales assistants.Otherwise,they should resort tovending machines,which are more efficient and tess costly than humans whodon't know their stock or why it'S worth buying.