出版时间:2008-7 出版社:中国农业出版社 作者:修长柏 编
《经济学英语》内容简介:This outstanding text, brilliantly put together by Professor Xiu Changbai and seven of his colleagues, includes readings from 23 of the most famous e- conomists of the twentieth century as well as terminologies and exercises that follow eaeh of the readings. The book offers students an easy way to access many of the most important concepts in modern economies. The authours whose writings are contained in this book should be read by all serious students of economics. The insights contained in these readings provide the basis for the way that economists understand the modern world.
Adam Smithd Alfred Marshall, John Maynard Keynes, Ronald Coase, Paul Samuelson, Theodore Schultz, George Stigler, Milton Friedman, John Kenneth Galbraith and the other authours contained in the text were dissatisfied with the existing economic theories to explain what they observed in real life. Through clever reasoning, attention to details, and careful analyses of data, they put forward new ideas about how to interpret what they observed. Their search for truth led them to postulate new hypotheses about how economies function. The influence of these great economists has changed the way that governtnents manage the economy and how businesses function in the world today. Moreover, they have provided the foundation upon which the newer generation of economists can develop ever more sophisticated models to continue to increase our knowledge of how economies function.
ForewordPrefaceUnit One An Inquiry into the Natures and Causes of theWealth o.f NationsUnit Two An Essay on the Principle of PopulationUnit Three An Inquiry into Capital : A Critiqueo Po, liticalEconomy Unit Four An Inquiry into Principles of Political EconomyUnit Five An lnauirv into Institutional EconomicsUnit Six The General Theory of Employment, Interest andMoneyUnit Seven The Problem of Social CostUnit Eight The Theory of Economic Development ……