出版时间:2008-3 出版社:中国农业出版社 作者:何月秋,尹新明 主编 页数:235
前言Unit l Plant and DiseaseUnit 2 Plant Disease ManagementUnit 3 An Arms Race between Host and Pathogen in GeffesUnit 4 Root-Knot Nematode Parasitism and Host ResponseUnit 5 Tomato Spotted WiltUnit 6 Crown GallUnit 7 Wheat Rustsunit 8 Smut Diseases of Cereal CropsUnit 9 Wheat Take—allUnit l0 Apple ScabUnit ll Introduction to Insect Unit l2 Wheat Aphid:Unit l3 European Corn BorerUnit l4 Insect Pests of Tree FruitsUnit l5 Insect Pest of CottonUnit l6 Enhancing Insect Resistance in Rice through BiotechnologyUnit l7 Insect Pests of SugarcaneUnit l8 Insect Pests of Cruciferous CropsUnit l9 Stored Product Insect PestsUnit 20 The Role of Pesticides in Agricultural Crop ProtectionUnit 21 Working towards More Efficient Application of PesticidesUnit 22 Biodegradation of PesticidesUnit 23 Classical Biological Control of Weeds in EuropeUnit 24 Trichoderma:a Biocontrol AgentUnit 25 Biological Control of Insect PestsUnit 26 Why Study Rodent Populations7Unit 27 Insect Pest Management in PotatoesUnit 28 Integrated Pest Management(IPM):Definition,Historical Development and Inaplementation and the Other IPMUnit 29 Abstracts in EntomologyUnit 30 Abstracts in Plant PathologyVocabulary