
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:中国农业出版社  作者:刘延秀 编  页数:147  字数:180000  


《英语阅读》着重培养学生的阅读和翻译技能,在语言知识和语言能力方面打下牢固的基础。题材新颖,内容丰富,将信息的获取与语言知识的学习集于一身。全书体例编排新颖实用,语言规范,是新时代研究生公共英语教学的理想教材。    《英语听说》突出实用性,强调语言运用能力的培养,同时照顾到语言基础的训练及巩固。题材接近实际生活和工作需要,以综合技能训练为主,重点进行反复训练,着力于提高学生的听力技能和口语表达能力,注重介绍英美等国的日常生活、风俗习惯、文化背景等知识,以满足不同场合口头语言交际活动的需要。    《英语科技论文写作》注重培养学生的科技文章写作技巧和创新写作能力。从单词、短语、句子到段落,从写作格式到论文规范,再到篇章知识与技巧运用,书中同时还配有新颖的实例和典型的范文,使学生实现用英语写作科技论文、表达思想、传递信息的目标,为将来在SCI、EI、ISTP源等国际期刊上发表高水平科研论文奠定扎实的基础。


前言Unit 1  Academic Attitude Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue Part 3  Presentation Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 2 Science and Research Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue  Part 3  Presentation Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 3  Agriculture Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue  Part 3  Presentation  Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 4  Environmental Protection  Part 1  Listening to Passages  Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue  Part 3  Presentation  Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 5  New Economy  Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue Part 3  Presentation Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 6  Horticulture Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue Part 3  Presentation Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 7  Biological Science Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue Part 3  Presentation Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 8  Literature and Arts Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue Part 3  Presentation Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 9  Computer and Information Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue  Part 3  Presentation  Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 10  Humanity  Part 1  Listening to Passages Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue    Part 3  Presentation  Part 4  Pronunmauon TipsUnit 11  Food Science  Part 1  Listening to Passages  Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue  Part 3  Presentation  Part 4  Pronunciation TipsUnit 12  Culture  Part 1  Listening to Passages  Part 2  Listening to a Dialogue  Part 3  Presentation  Part 4  Pronunciation Tips附录 Teacher's Book  Unit 1  Academic Attitude    Unit 2  Science and Research  Unit 3  Agriculture Unit 4  Environmental Protection  Unit 5  New Economy Unit 6  Horticulture Unit 7  Biological Science  Unit 8  Literature and Arts  Unit 9  Computer and Information Unit 10  Humanity  Unit 11  Food Science Unit 12  Culture



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