
出版时间:2004-7  出版社:中国农业出版社  作者:中国农村技术开发中心  页数:250  字数:300000  


ForewordReview New Progress in Modern Agricultural Technology  Outline for Rural Science and Technology Development in China  World Rice Science and Technology and Food Safety——Review of the Beijing   International Rice ConferenceRepresentative Agricultural Research Work  Transgenic Plant Research and Industrialization  Development of New Type Fertilizer and Application Technology  High Efficient Water-Saving Agricultural Technology and New Product  Biological Control Technology Against Agricultural Disease and Insect  Facility Agriculture and Equipment Development   Produce Deep Processing Technology  Information Technoloy and Precision Agriculture  Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Reduction TechnologyProress of Rural Science and Technology Work  Completing Framework Mpa and Precision Map for Rice (Indica Rice)Genome  Completing of Precision Sequencing of NO.4 Chromosome  Development and Extension of the Quality and High Yidlding Corn Variety“Nong Da     108”  Development of Cotton Insect Resistant Gene  Selection and Devlopment of High Oil Content New Soybean Varicty  Successful Development fo the Highest oil Content Rape Varicty in the World  Study and Demonstration of the New Type Heliogreenhouse Vegetable System     Technology Engineering  Plant Material Stress-Resistant Selection and Cultivation Technology in the      Shelter Forest of“Northwest  China,Notrh China and  Northeast china”  Yunnan Semi-Fine Wool Sheep Development  Study on the TRurbot Artificial Aquaculture and Its Extension  Regional Distribution of Advantageous ProduceCompetitive Power in Agricultural Science and TechnologyRural Science and Technology Capacity ConstructionHot lssues of Social ConcernAppendix Statistical DataPostscriptTables in the TextFigures in the Text



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