
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:人民教育出版社  作者:朱巧莲 主编  页数:382  


  进入21世纪,随着全球化进程的加快和中国的日益开放,中国的经济飞速发展,综合国力明显增强,中国与世界各国的联系愈加紧密。众多国际会议选择在中国召开:从财富论坛到APEc会议,从博鳌亚洲论坛到中非合作论坛,从世界经济论坛到亚欧会议等。北京、上海等大城市平均每天都有一场国际会议召开。这些国际会议的内容十分广泛,涉及政治、经济、科技、金融、贸易、法律、文化、教育、环境、能源、体育、卫生等。国务院新闻办公厅几乎每周都召开新闻发布会,而每年一度的两会期间的记者招待会一直都是媒体和公众关注的焦点。会议口译作为与会各方沟通的桥梁,其重要性不容忽视。  随着市场需求的增长,口译队伍正朝着职业化的方向迈进,口译作为一项职业备受青睐。口译按工作场合和内容一般可以分为联络接待口译、会议口译、法庭口译、导游口译、外贸商务口译、媒体口译、技术口译等,但在实际工作中很难进行界限分明的分类。  和联络陪同口译相比,会议口译对专业知识的要求相对较高,因为绝大多数会议都涉及某个领域的专题。因此,一个好的译员必须是一名终身学习者,要不断汲取新的知识,否则很难出色地完成任务。会议口译按工作性质又可分为交替传译和同声传译,前者对译员的记忆力和笔记的要求较高,后者则要求译员具有非凡的“一心多用”的能力。但无论是同声传译还是交替传译,译员都需有较高的语言造诣、宽广的知识面、过硬的心理素质和口译技能,所有这些非一朝一夕之功,需要长期积累和专业训练。  本书按会议口译的工作性质分交替传译和同声传译两大部分,以口译技能为主线,以口译专题为单元,将技能训练融入到16个常见口译专题中。  根据教育心理学,技能是通过各种方式的训练获得的。口译既然是一门技能课,以技能为核心的口译教学一定要突出实践,在实践中培养学习者的逻辑分析和判断能力,使学习者对口译技能娴熟掌握。  口译教学的内容应涵盖语言、知识与技能三个方面,但其核心是口译技能的培养。口译的基本技能与口译工作的过程息息相关。对应口译过程中的理解、记忆、传达三个阶段,口译技能分别为听辨与理解、原语储存与笔记、流畅表达;相应的教学内容应围绕这些技能的训练而设立,如语篇理解、主干信息提取、信息重组和精简、短时记忆、笔记方法、灵活释义及公共演讲技巧、流利表达等。  从理论上讲,用于技能训练的语言材料可以是任意的。例如训练数字传译时,可以进行纯数字的转换,也可以操练包含数字的语段,但这类训练由于机械枯燥,时间不宜过长。理想的以技能训练为核心的口译教学应将技能培训和口译专题相结合,以提高效率。如果将数字传译练习结合数字出现频率较高的“经济”或“贸易”等专题,可以使学习者在充分训练技能的同时,丰富该专题下的词汇和相关知识。这类语篇知识将有助于学习者在以后碰到类似主题时,迅速做出合理预测,正确把握发言人的意思和意图。而且,由于口译专题内容完整,还可以提高学习者对语篇的逻辑分析能力。




交传篇 Unit 1 Friendly Relations  Part One Interpreting Skills: Active Listening  Part Two Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Version Unit 2 Academic Exchange  Part One Interpreting Skills: Note-taking Principles  Part Two   Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Version Unit 3 Cultural Exchange  Part One Interpretlng Skllls: Note-taking Symbols  Part Two   Texts for Interpretlng   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Version Unit 4 Economy  Part One Interpreting Skills: Figure Switching  Part Two   Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Version Unit5 Trade  Part One Interpreting Skllls: Public Speech  Part Two Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two OriginalText   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Verslon Unit 6 Finance  Part One Interpratlng Skllls: Coplng Tactlcs  Part Two Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Version Unit 7 Investment  Part One Interpreting Skills: Summarizing  Part Two   Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Wordsand Expressions   Item Two Original Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample  Part Three Practice  Part Four Reference Version Unit 8 Science and Technology  Part One Interpreting Skills: Preparation  Part Two Texts for Interpreting   Text A English-Chinese Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text   Item Three Interpreted Version   Item Four Comments on Interpretation   Item Five Note-taking Sample   Text B Chinese-English Interpreting   Item One Words and Expressions   Item Two Original   Text  ……同传篇


  We are a nation of laws. Our courts are honest and they are independent. The President,me, I cant tell the courts how to rule and neither can any other member of the executive orlegislative branch of government. Under our law, everyone stands equal. No one is above thelaw and no one is beneath it.  All political power in America, is limited and temporary, and only given by a free vote ofthe people. We have a Constitution, now two centuries old, which limits andbalances the powers of the three branches of our government: the judicial branch,the legislative branch and the executive branch ㈨, of which I am a part.  Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just asthey are in your country. American Morns and Dads love their children and work hard andsacrifice for them, because we believe life can always be better for the next generation. In ourfamilies, we find love and learn responsibility and character.  And many Americans voluntarily devote part of their lives to serving other people. Anamazing number, nearly half of all adults in America, volunteer time every week to make theircommunities better by mentoring children, or by visiting the sick, or caring for the elderly orhelping with a thousand other needs and causes. This is one of the great strengths of mycountry. People take responsibility for helping others without being told, motivated by theirgood hearts and often by their faith.  If you travel across America, (and I hope you do someday if you havent been there, )you will find people of many different ethic backgrounds and many different faiths. We are avaried nation. We are home to 2.3 million Americans of Chinese ancestry, who can be foundworking in the offices of our corporations, or in the Cabinet of the United States, or skating forthe American Olympic Team. Every immigrant, by taking an oath of allegiance to our country,becomes just as American as the President. America shows that a society can be vast andvaried, and yet still one country, commanding the allegiance and love of its people.  All of these qualities of America were vividly displayed on a single day, September" llth,the day when terrorists, murderers attacked my nation. American policemen and firefighters, bytheir hundreds, ran into burning towers in their desperation to save their fellow citizens.Volunteers came from everywhere to help with the rescue efforts. Americans donated blood,and gave money to help the families of victims. America held prayer services all over ourcountry, and people raised flags to show their pride and unity. None of this was ordered by thegovernment; it happened spontaneously, by the initiative of a free people.  Life in America shows that liberty, paired with law, is not to be feared. In a free society,diversity is not disorder, debate is not strife, and dissent is not revolution. A free society trustsits citizens to seek greatness in themselves and their country.  It was my honor to visit China in 1975, (Some of you were not born then. That showshow old I am. ) and a lot has changed in your country since then. China has made amazingprogress in openness, and enterprise, and economic freedom. And this progress previewsChinas great potential.


  科学性:以经典理论为指导,以口译技能为主线,以时代专题为单元,内容编排循序渐进,融技能训练于专题学习中。  创新性:借鉴语言学研究成果,结合作者多年口译实战和教学经验,突出语言、知识和技能的培养。  实用性:内容新,题材广,笔记示范和译文评析有的放矢。既可作为口译教材亦可用于译员自我进修。




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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   这本书值得一看的是,里面的笔记展示。通过模仿如何有效记笔记,口译学习上得到大幅提高。
  •   朱老师的书,真的无可挑剔,想学专业口译,最好把她的系列丛书都过一遍,绝对收益
  •   有内容,不是那种空洞骗钱的书
  •   这本书不错,,值得买
  •   找很久了。终于买到了
  •   很有用,值得购买
  •   很实用,但要是笔记实例再多些更好
  •   为什么光盘不能用!!!!!!!!!!!这么贵的书你们就这样吗????????????????没有光盘怎么学习

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