
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:人民教育出版社  作者:(英)Bob Adamson,(英)Graham Young 著(英)Nevile Grant,刘道义 主编  页数:170  字数:209000  




前言 Introduction  Book One The British Isles(Bob Adamson) Unit 1 The art of Scottish dancing Unit 2 An embarrassing moment Unit 3 The story of Gelert Unit 4 Concert report Unit 5 Watching television Unit 6 The Great Wall of Britain Unit 7 Scottish heroes Unit 8 An unusual sport Unit 9 Writing stories Unit 10 Tam Lin Unit 11 Developing Ireland Unit 12 The Great Fire of London Self-Assessment FormBook Two Around the World (by Bob Adamson) Unit 1 The Paris—Dakar Rally Unit 2 Varieties of English Unit 3 The heart Unit 4 Amelia Earhart Unit 5 Protecting the Reef Unit 6 The Pied Piper Unit 7 The Pass of Thermopylae Unit 8 Hong Kong Unit 9 A Chinese superstar Unit 10 Indian independence Unit 11 Exchange visits Unit 12 The matryoshka dolls Self-Assessment FormBook Three Jobs and Business(by Graham Young) Unit 1 Your career Unit 2 Which job suits you? Unit 3 MBAs Unit 4 Coffee Unit 5 A Chinese Superman Unit 6 Start your own business Unit 7 Careers 1-Selling insurance Unit 8 Careers 2-Information technology Unit 9 Careers 3-Tourism Unit 10 Careers 4-Engineering Unit 11 Careers 5-Fashion design Unit 12 Voluntary work Self-Assessment FormAppendix



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