
出版时间:2004-7  出版社:人民教育  作者:人民教育出版社教学资源分社 编  页数:102  字数:135000  




① Unit 1  Friendship Unit 2  English around the world Unit 3  Travel journal Unit 4  Earthquakes   Unit 5  Nelson Mandela-a modem hero② Unit 1  Cultural relics Unit 2  The Olympic G-ames   Unit 3  Computers Unit 4  Wildlife protection Unit 5  Music  Keys


  But what variety of English will serve as the region's lingua franca? I suggest that a variety which reflects local culture conventions (传统)and pragmatic norms (实用准则) is developing to serve this role. I further suggest that it is the regional variety that will be taught in schools rather than an external native speaker variety.  The cast mojority of people who are learning English are doing so to be able to use this lingua franca. They are not learning English with the express purpose of communicating with native speakers of English. English is being used by non-native speakers with other non-native speakers., The English that they use needn't therefore reflect any Anglo (英国的) culture values.  So regional users of English who are learning English in order to speak to Thais, Koreans, Vietnamese or Japanese do not need teaching materials that promote or discuss Anglo cultures. What they need are materials that provide some knowledge of the culture they are dealing with. They also need to be aware of their own culture norms. The culture values and daily lives of the people in the region who are using English as a regional lingua franca become more important than the cultural values associated (相关的) with native speakers.  This has important implications(含义)for English language teaching in the region's schools. It is a regional variety of English, not an external(外来的)model, that needs to be promoted, because it is a regional variety of English that people in the region wil  want to use. People will be able to maintain(保持)their identity while speaking their variety of English.   ……?



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