出版时间:2010-1 出版社:商务印书馆 作者:新东方名师编写组 编 页数:344
“可以说我对于英语学习的兴趣是被《新概念英语》这套书激发,出来的。由于课文本身很有趣,所以尽管觉得吃力,我却没有产生任何厌倦情绪。我用了两个多月的时间,就把第二册到第四册的200多篇课文生吞活剥地学完了。我的朋友、现任新东方教育科技集团常务副总裁周成刚,就是在没日没夜地模仿了《新概念英语》的朗读后,获锝了一口标准的伦敦口音,最后被英国BBC广播公司看中,变成了BBC的记者和节目主持人。” ——新东方教育科技集团董事长兼总裁俞敏洪 《新概念英语》系列教材的经典性早已不言而喻。作为战斗在一线的新东方老师,在培训过数十万名《新概念英语》学员之中和之后,,我们一直在思考一个问题:《新概念荚语》这套教材究竟是如何深深地吸引着中国的学生?经过深人研究,我们惊喜地发现《新概念英语》这套教材除了具备一般教材的所有特点之外,还有一个非常显著的特点——与中国现在的考试紧密相关。当我们发现这一点时,那感觉简直是欣喜若狂,因为我们终于找到了《新概念英语》这套教材多年以来一直焕发勃勃生机的原因。经过教学实践的无数次尝试,也是由于我们编写的《新概念英语同步互动习题集》等图书的热销,同时也是在商务印书馆教育图书编辑室主任冯爱珍、编辑马浩岚的鼓励下,我们这些新东方老师集体创作了《新概念英语同步互动真题集》、《新概念英语语法同步互动真题集》、《新概念英语美文欣赏》、《新概念英语名师精讲笔记》等一系列丛书,准确地实现了《新概念英语》的每篇课文与中国现行考试历年真题的完美结合。
语法查询索引Lesson 1 Finding fossiLmanLesson 2 Spare that spiderLesson 3 Matterhorn manLesson 4 Seeing handsLesson 5 YouthLesson 6 The sporting spiritLesson 7 BatsLesson 8 Trading standardsLesson 9 RoyaLespionageLesson 10 Silicon valleyLesson 11 How to grow oldLesson 12 Banks and their customersLesson 13 The search for oilLesson 14 The Butterfly EffectLesson 15 Secrecy in industryLesson 16 The modern cityLesson 17 A man-made diseaseLesson 18 PorpoisesLesson 19 The stuff of dreamsLesson 20 Snake poisonLesson 21 Williams S. Hart and the early 'Western' film ——.Lesson 22 Knowledge and progressLesson 23 Bird flightLesson 24 BeautyLesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noiseLesson 26 The past life of the earthLesson 27 The "Vase" Lesson 28 Patients and doctorsLesson 29 The hovercraftLesson 30 Exploring the sea-floorLesson 31 The sculptor speaksLesson 32 Galileo rebornLesson 33 EducationLesson 34 AdolescenceLesson 35 Space odysseyLesson 36 The cost of governmentLesson 37 The process of agingLesson 38 Water and the travellerLesson 39 What every writer wantsLesson 40 WavesLesson 41 Training elephantsLesson 42 Recording an earthquakeLesson 43 Are there strangers in space? Lesson 44 Patterns of cultureLesson 45 Of men and galaxiesLesson 46 HobbiesLesson 47 The great escapeLesson 48 Planning a share portfolio
1. Data presented by the American Psychiatric Association revealed that psychiatrists engag-ing solely in psycho-therapeutic interventions earn approximately one-third of what psychi- atrists do who evaluate and medicate patienls. 2. Whatever some psychologists may perceive as a therapeutic drawback because they are un-able to offer prescriptions for psychotropic medications apparently is not recognized by thegeneral public. 3. I went away from the symposium with a strong conviction, more intuitivethan tational, that human experimental psYchology, theoretical linguistics and computersimulation of cognitive processes were all pieces of larger whole, and that the future worldsee progressive elaboration and coordination of their shared concerns. 4. Yet this rush into practical applications is itself quite understandable: public policy mustcontinually be made, and policymakers rightly feel that even tentative findings and untest-ed theories are better guides to decision-making than no findings and no theories at all. 5. There are now 31 million kids in the 12-to-19 age group, and demographerspredict that there will be 35 million teens by 2010, a population bigger than even the babyboom at its peak. 6. The extent of that increase is a highly speculative matter, but it is worth noting that medi-cal science has already helped to make the very old (curreiatly defined a.s those over 85years of age) the fastest-growing segment of the population.
一线教学名师全力出击 攻克:大学四级、六级,考研,新托福115,PETS4、5级,剑桥通用英语证书FCE,雅思7.5 一线名师,担当主编;授课精华,倾情奉献;一本在手,考试无忧;真题考点。一网打尽! 学习目标:大学四级、六级639-710分;考研90分;PETS4级和PETS5级80分;剑桥通用英语证书FCE;雅思7.5;新托福115分。 本书特点及学习规则: 1、一课一练,每天学习一小时,轻松掌握《新概念英语》笫四册。 2、单选题、究型填空、阅读理解、写作、全方位出击。使你成为英语达人。 3、全面使用各类考试中常见的排除法、关键词回归定位法、表现法、模板作文法等考试技巧、精心理解技巧“胜经”,帮你成为考试高手。 4、结合《新概念英语》课文体会阋煥理解申的长、难句。能写比较地道、简练、逻辑关系清晰的英文段落。 5、模仿写作美文中千变万化的“关鍵句型”,写作水平将获得质的色跃。 6、增强英文语感,为进一步深造打下坚实的基础。 7、学完本书全面立体掌握6500~12000词汇量! 本书读者对象: 准备参加高考或者大学四、六级、考研考试的学生: 已经学完《新概念英语》第二册、第三册或任何中高级英语教程的英语学习者; 计划参加雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT等考试,希望做好充分准备者; 高级英语培训班的学员: 参加PETS4级、5级考试的考生; 希望将自己的英语水平再提高一个水平,美化英语语言的学习者; 希望全方位提高文章阅读理解水平和翻译写作能力的高级英语学习者。