出版时间:2010-1 出版社:商务 作者:新东方名师编写组 编 页数:299
语法查询索引Lesson 1 A puma at largeLesson 2 Thirteen equals oneLesson 3 An unknown goddessLesson 4 The double life of Alfred BloggsLesson 5 The factsLesson 6 Smash-an&grabLesson 7 Mutilated ladiesLesson 8 A famous monasteryLesson 9 Flying catsLesson 10 The loss of the TitanicLesson 11 Not guilty Lesson 12 Life on a desert islandLesson 13 It's only meLesson 14 A noble gangsterLesson 15 Fifty pence worth of troubleLesson 16 Mary had a little lambLesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the worldLesson 18 Electric currents in modern artLesson 19 A very dear catLesson 20 Pioneer pilotsLesson 21 Daniel Mendoza Lesson 22 By heartLesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poisonLesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboardLesson 25 The Cutty Sarle Lesson 26 Wanted: a large biscuit tinLesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buyLesson 28 Five pounds too dearLesson 29 Funny or not?Lesson 30 The death of a ghostLesson 31 A lovable eccentricLesson 32 A lost shipLesson 33 A day to rememberLesson 34 A happy discoveryLesson 35 Justice was doneLesson 36 A chance in a millionLesson 37 The Westhaven ExpressLesson 38 The first calendarLesson 39 Nothing to worry aboutLesson 40 Who's whoLesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace?Lesson 42 Modern CavemenLesson 43 Fully insuredLesson 44 Speed and comfortLesson 45 The power of the pressLesson 46 Do it yourselfLesson 47 Too high a price?Lesson 48 The silent villageLesson 49 The ideal servantLesson 50 New Year resolutionsLesson 51 Predicting the futureLesson 52 Mud is mudLesson 53 In the public interestLesson 54 Instinct or cleverness?Lesson 55 From the earth.. GreetingsLesson 56 Our neighbour, the riverLesson 57 Back in the old countryLesson 58 A spot of botherLesson 59 CollectingLesson 60 Too early and too late
五、带有连词或介词的分词短语 分词短语可以用在一定的连词或介词后面,以表示强调。 a)Once deprived of oxygen,the brain dies。一旦没了氧气,大脑就会死亡。(once强调时间) b)Although exhausted by the walk,he continued his journey.尽管走得精疲力竭,但他 继续他的旅行。(although强调让步) c)On hearing her son’S death,the bereaved mother broke out crying.一听到儿子的死 讯,这位母亲禁不住哭了起来。(on强调时间,相当于as soon as) d)After having annoyed everybody,he went home.他非得把所有人都惹恼了才回家。六、分词的完成式 若分词的动作在谓语动作之前发生,且我们强调这两个动作的一先一后,则我们一般用现在分词的完成式,这种现在分词完成式可表示时间,此时一般要放在句子开头;也可表示原因,此时放在句首或句末均可。 a)Having noted down our names and addresses’the policeman dismissed US.写下了名字和地址之后,警察让我们走了。(表示时间) b)1 was unable to go with you。having promised to accompany my girlfriend to the con-cert.我不能和你一起去,因为我已答应女朋友陪她去听音乐会。(表示原因) 不过,有时即使分词动作先发生,但是它与谓语动作时间间隔很短,我们一般用分词一般式。若表示时间则要放在句首,否则有时句子会有歧义。 a)Locking the door,he went home.锁上了门,然后他就回家了.(先lock,紧接就wenthome) b)Hearing the joke,we burst out laughing.听到这个笑话,我们禁不住大笑起来。(显然hear和burst两个动作时间间隔很短) c)Finding the door locked,1 went home.发现门锁着,我就回家了。(Finding表示时间) d)1 went home,finding the door locked.我回到家里发现门锁着。(Finding表示结果) 所以,若分词动作晚于谓语动作,此时分词短语要置于句末。
一线名师,担当主编; 授课精华,倾情奉献; 一奉在手,考试无忧; 真题考点。一网打尽! 攻克 高考,四、六级,考研,新托福110,雅思6.5,剑桥通用英语证书FCE 一线教学名师全力出击 《新概念英语语法同步互动真题集(第3册)》学习目标: 高考135分 PETS三级和PETS四级80分 剑桥通用英语证书FCE 雅思6.5 大学四级、六级568分 考研80分 新托福110分 《新概念英语语法同步互动真题集(第3册)》特点及学习规则: 1、一课一练,每天学习一小时,轻松掌握《新概念英语》笫三册。 2、单选题、究型填空、阅读理解、写作、全方位出击。使你成为英语达人。 3、全面使用各类考试中常见的排除法、关键词回归定位法、表现法、模板作文法等考试技巧、精心理解技巧“胜经”,帮你成为考试高手。 4、结合《新概念英语》课文体会阋煥理解申的长、难句。能写比较地道、简练、逻辑关系清晰的英文段落。 5、模仿写作美文中千变万化的“关鍵句型”,写作水平将获得质的色跃。 6、增强英文语感,为进一步深造打下坚实的基础。 7、学完《新概念英语语法同步互动真题集(第3册)》,全面立体掌握4500~6500词汇量!