好久没有来买书了,当当真的变化很大。尤其是送货速度,真是太快了。至于这本辞典,比较了一下旧版和新版,新版对一些词条的定义进行了浓缩,尽管精炼了,但是也少了一些比较具体的信息,如对于AliBaba的故事梗概叙述旧版上的When the thieves discover that AliBaba knows their secret, they decide to kill him.They hide in 40 large oil jars which are delivered to his house. But Ali Baba's servant hears about the trick and saves his master by pouring boiling oil into the containers and klling all the thieves.这些内容在新版上都没有了。新版的故事叙述少了这些精彩内容,有点遗憾。因此对这方面有注重的人,可以权衡一下。