出版时间:1999-2 出版社:商务印书馆出版社 作者:北京语言学院 编 页数:381
Book Ⅲ and Ⅳ of “Practical Chinese Reader ”compiled by the Beijing Languages institute consist of 30 lessons with a vocabulary of some 2,000 words and expressions and are intended for foreign learners of modern Chinese at an intermediate stage. In order to enable the learners to gain a deep understanding of Chinese and to improve the ability to communicate in the language,the text of each lesson focuses on a subject of interest to the learners. The topics include history, education, economy, medicine, sports, literature and art, newspapers and broadcasting, marriage and family life, scenic spots and historical sites, etc. In addition to the text and dialogue,each lesson has explanatory notes of words and phrases and also includes various types of exercises.
第十六课 乘小火车旅行第十七课 在中国食品展销会上第十八课 教育世家第十九课 农民科学家高培南第二十课 厂长候选人复习(四)第二十一课 天安门——中国近百年历史的见证第二十二课 秋瑾第二十三课 故宫里的故事第二十四课 万里长城第二十五课 从唐僧取经说起——唐朝中外文化交流复习(五)第二十六课 端午节和屈原第二十七课 参观杜甫草堂第二十八课 蛐蛐儿第二十九课 痛苦的重逢第三十课 茅盾和《子夜》——帕兰卡的一次报告复习(六)词汇表词语例解索引词语例解词汇表