
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:教育部考试中心 高等教育出版社 (2012-08出版)  作者:教育部考试中心 编  页数:192  




Ⅰ.考试性质 Ⅱ.考查目标 Ⅲ.考试形式、考试内容与试卷结构 Ⅳ.题型示例、参考答案及评分参考 附录1词汇表 附录2 常用的前缀和后缀,部分国家(或地区)、语言、国民及国籍表,洲名及常见缩写词 附录3 2011—2012年英语(一)试题及参考答案


版权页:   Eating better.Exercising.Investing.There are a lot of things you know should be doing.The problem is that getting started always seems to be the hardest part.For many investors,mutual funds are a good way to go,but trying to sort through the number of available choices-now more than 10,000-makes this important task appear overwhelming.Let's look at some ways to cut that number down to a reasonable size,as well as other factors to consider when selecting your first fund. 41. Before you begin examining potential investments,it's important to take some time to assess your own goals and risk tolerance.If you start with a clear objective in mind,as well as an understanding as to how you might react if your investment loses money,you'll be less likely to purchase a fund that doesn't fit your needs.And that's what often leads to disappointment.It is important to look for funds that are appropriate for both your goals and your investment temperament. 42. One way to begin your search for a good fund is to use the Morningstar star rating.The rating is a useful tool for narrowing the field to funds that have done a good job of balancing return and risk in the past.To assign ratings,Morningstar uses a formula that compares a fund's risk-adjusted historical performance with that of other funds within four rating groups-domestic stock funds,international stock funds,taxable bond funds,and municipal bond funds.






    考研大纲2013年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计20条)


  •   2013的这本大纲真的没有去年的出的好,去年有3年的真题,并且附有解析和试题难度系数。今年出的很不负责任,除了付了2套真题以外没有任何使用参考价值,建议考研的朋友最好单独购买高教的大纲解析也比这个强百倍。
  •   有用的内容不多,后面附录的词汇表就是简单罗列单词没有中文解释,往年题答案只是答案没有任何解析。出版社心黑的厉害。
  •   这是所有大纲里最没有用的一本……
  •   考研用的大纲,但是总觉得英语买的没必要。
  •   看一看大纲,了解一下考研方向还是很有用的
  •   大纲代表了考试的方向
  •   考研的同学们不用买····翻完了,都是废话,没用
  •   很好 很喜欢 质量很好 正版书
  •   内容不必评价,绝对正品
  •   放弃考研,把书送人了
  •   对于考研复习很有帮助。
  •   书还可以,但是感觉没必要买,网上下就行了
  •   书的内容真的很不错,不过说实话,有点儿难懂,看来还是得不断提高自己的英语水平才行啊
  •   书质量不错,推荐购买。
  •   但是感觉没有太大用,太贵了··
  •   不准备看了
  •   考研不可缺!!!!!!!!!!
  •   质量很好,可惜买晚了
  •   英语考研大纲,可以参考
  •   送人考试用



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