
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:韩鹏 主编  页数:310  




第一章 阅读理解(Part A)命题规律及解题技巧
第一节 概述
第二节 细节题
第三节 推断题
第四节 主旨题
第五节 含义题
第六节 态度题
第二章 阅读理解(Part A)模拟训练
Model Test 1
Model Test 2
Model Test 3
Model Test 4
Model Test 5
Model Test 6
Model Test 7
Model Test 8
Model Test 9
Model Test 10
Model Test 11
Model Test 12
Model Test 13
M0del Test 14
Model Test 15
第三章 阅读理解(Part B)命题规律及解题技巧
第一节 题型Ⅰ——“完形填句(段)”命题规律及解题技巧
第二节 题型Ⅱ——“排序题”命题规律及解题技巧,”
第三节 题型Ⅲ——“论据支持”命题规律及解题技巧
第四节 题型Ⅳ——“标题选择”命题规律及解题技巧
第四章 阅读理解(Part B)模拟训练
Model Test 1
Model Test 2
Model Test 3
Model Test 4
Model Test 5
Model Test 6
Modcl Test 7
Model Test 8
Model Test9
Mndel Test 10


版权页:   Passage 1 Once upon a time,the only ideologically acceptable explanations of mental differences between men and women were cultural.Any biologist who dared to suggest in public that perhaps evolution might work differently on the sexes,and that this might perhaps result in some underlying neurological inequalities,was likely to get tarred and feathered. Today,by contrast,biology tends to be an explanation of first resort in matters sexual.So it is beneficial to come across an experiment which shows that a newly discovered difference which fits easi-ly,at first sight,into the biological-determinism camp,actually does not belong there at all. Writing in Psychological Science,a team led by Lan Spence of the University of Toronto describes a test performed on people' s ability to spot unusual objects that appear in their field of vision.Success at spatial tasks like this often differs between the sexes (men are better at remembering and locating general landmarks; women are better at remembering and locating food),so the researchers were not surprised to discover a discrepancy between the two.The test asked people to identify an "odd man out" object in a briefly displayed field of two dozen'otherwise identical objects.Men had a 68% suc-cess rate.Women had a 55% success rate. Had they left it at that,Dr Spence and his colleagues might have concluded that they had uncov-ered yet another evolved difference between the sexes,come up with a "Just So" story to explain it in terms of division of labour on the African savannah,and moved on.However,they did not leave it at that.Instead,they asked some of their volunteers to spend ten hours playing an action-packed,shoot-' em-up video game,called "Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault".As a control,other volunteers were asked to play a decidedly non-action-packed puzzle game,called "Balance" ,for a similar time.Both sets were then asked to do the odd-man-out test again.





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  •   这是值得一看的考研书,大家可以看看,我感觉还是很不错的。
  •   挺适合考研用的,呵呵呵呵。。。
  •   给予我很多的实用性 考研好助手 赞一个!·~~
  •   用这种方式背单词比我看英语单词书来的快~~记得也更牢固一点~~~
  •   对于考前做题很有帮助,送货也很准时
  •   很有用哦~阅读技巧~
  •   还没做,但是别人推荐的,应该不错
  •   但是送来的时候 上面有一道划痕
  •   师兄介绍的,应该不错,还没开始读
  •   有用,使用中,学姐介绍的
  •   推荐早些买,早些用,做好基础
  •   gOOd
  •   这本书有点乱,一般吧,不太严密。
  •   书还不错,方法还可以
  •   相见恨晚~~
  •   学长推荐的,感觉很好,出版社比较强悍
  •   题挺好的有点偏难可以在空闲时锻炼阅读能力
  •   印刷不太喜欢
  •   还不错,就是书质有点差
  •   比较难感觉
  •   考研英语阅读最重要,就做题用用。
  •   明明是AB两节, 但是A 部分占据了几乎85%以上的篇幅,只留下很小一部分给B部分。我就是冲着B部分才买的
  •   自己用了,效果很好。考上了。分数还不错。获益匪浅
  •   复习英语的时候用这本书可以充分找到自信,难度相对考研略简单,不过练习过程中穿插做考研真题可以起到促进作用!推荐一下
  •   是考研英语阅读很适合练习的书。
  •   质量挺好的,就是实在有点慢了。这个学姐推荐的,据说很棒,是基础的。
  •   纸张被印上一些字,影响阅读!感觉像盗版的!
  •   自己清晰蛮不错的·····
  •   书壳有点儿缺损 大体还好 内容不错
  •   还可以 还没看质量还行
  •   质量还不错~讲解很到位~值得购买!
  •   书很垃圾

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