
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:蔡毅,欧阳靖民,梁浩锋 著  页数:202  




Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Knowledge Representation on the Web
Chapter 3 Concepts and Categorization from a Psychological
Chapter 4 Modeling Uncertainty in Knowledge
Chapter 5 Fuzzy Ontology: A First Formal Model
Chapter 6 A More General Ontology Model with Object
Membership and Typicality
Chapter 7 Context-aware Object Typicality Measurement in
Fuzzy Ontology
Chapter 8 Object Membership with Property Importance and
Property Priority
Chapter 9 Applications
Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work.


版权页:插图:From this description,we notice that besides what we call vagueness in con-cepts,we also have another issue of whether an individual object iS typicalor not.For example,when we refer to concept‘bird’,we may reminder spar.rows and eagles,which are typical instances of the concept‘bird’.and rarelyreminder penguins and ostrich,which are not typical instances of‘bird’.Atfirst glance.such‘typicality’of individual objects in concepts can be treatedin the same way as in the case of vagueness.and in fact they can be bothmodeled by fuzzy set theory or probabilistic theory in some previous works(e.g.,[24,25]).Most of the existing approaches only focus on the fuzzinessor vagueness of concepts but not on this typicality effect of categorizations.In fact.fuzziness and typicality are actually intrinsically different aspects ofconcepts.As mentioned in Ref.『26l,we can identify two types of measuresof an individual object’S membership in a concept.referring to fuzziness andtypicality.That different individual objects have different degrees of typical-ity(or prototypicality)in a Certain concept iS actually first studied in thefield of cognitive psychology[27-29].As works in cognitive psychology sug-gest,typicality iS more a psychological effect than an objective decision of anindividual’S membership grade in a concept.It iS found out that typicality ofobjects depends on the match of necessary properties as well as non.necessaryproperties28.For example,robins are generally considered as more typicalbirds than penguins I 28 I.This iS probably due to the fact that birds are gen-erally considered to be able to fly,but penguins do not.Hence,we can seethat this iS very different from,say,how we.judge a certain temperature as‘high’or not.Thus,typicality should be determined by a different mechanismfrom the one used to determine the fuzzy membership grade of an individualobject.While it iS desirable to model fuzziness of concepts in ontologies.theeffect of typicality should not be overlooked.We believe that it is necessaryto identify the differences between the two measures,SO that we are able tocome up with formal methods to model these two measures in ontologies.






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