出版时间:2012-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:宋德富 编 页数:258
《营养与食品卫生英语教程》根据我国高校营养与食品卫生专业教学大纲的要求,选编了近年来国内外广泛认可的最新研究成果,并少量涉及仍然存在争议的专题。其内容分为三大部分:第一部分为宏量营养素,包括碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪的基本概念、分类和对人体健康的影响;第二部分主题为微量营养素之维生素和矿物质,同时涉及膳食纤维和新陈代谢对健康的作用:第三部分以膳食营养金字塔为切入点,涉及特殊人群的营养以及食品卫生安全和生物分子营养学的内容。 《营养与食品卫生英语教程》充分考虑到知识性、趣味性及专业深度的适度性,适合作为高等院校营养与食品卫生、食品营养与安全及食品科学与工程等专业的专业英语教材,也可作为相关院系基础营养双语教学的教材,以及对营养学感兴趣的读者自学使用。
Unit 1Passage Food Basics: Nutritional Elements ofFoodNew WordsComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesPassage for Reading What Are Macronutrients and Micronutrients?Exercrse to the Passage for ReadingUnit 2Passage Anlntroduction to CarbohydratesNew WordsComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Tenns and VocabulariesPassage for Reading Carbohydrate BasicsExercise to the Passage for ReadingUnit 3Passage AllaborrtG.I.FactorNew WordSpecial TermsAbbreviationsComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Tenus and VocabulariesPassage for Reading Understanding Glycemic LoadExercise to the Passage for ReadingUnit 4Passage Protein BasicsNew WordsComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesPassage for ReadingThe Atkins Diet DebateExercise to the Passage for ReadingUnit 5Passage The Different Wpes ofFatsNew WordsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesPassage Reading Trans Fats and Cardiovascular DiseaseUnit 6Revision (I)Unit 7Passage Reduced Disease Risk with Dietary FibreNew WordsSpecialTermsAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesPassage for Reading Food Processing and NutritionExercise to the Passage for ReadingUnit 8Passage Vitamins(I)New WordsSpecial TermsAbbreviationsNotes to the Passage……Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18