出版时间:2012-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:侯燕芝 编 页数:124
Chapter1 Introduction to the Medical Biology Laboratory 11 Objectives of a Teaching Medical Biology Laboratory12 Laboratory Rules 13 Laboratory Safety14 Common Laboratory Equipments15 Experimental Methods in Medical Biology16 Evaluation of Experimental Data and Laboratory ReportsChapter 2 Experiments in Medical BiologyExperiment 1 The Use of Glass Pipets and Pipettors NExperiment 2 Amphoteric Ionization and Isoelectric Point Determination of ProteinsExperiment 3 Quantitative Determination of Protein Concentrations by Coomassie BriHiant Blue As Tay NN Experunent 4Quantitative Determination of Proteins by Folin-phenol AssayExperiment 5 Determination oF Proteins by UV Absorption Experiment 6 Separation of Arrmio Acid MixtIHes by Ion-exchange ChromatographyExperiment 7 Separation of Serum y-globulins by Ion-exchange ChromatographyExperiment 8 Separation of Serum Proteins by Cellulose Acetate MembraneElectrophoresis Experiment 9 Separation and Purity Determination of Serum y-globulins by SDS-polyacrylamide Gel ElectrophoresisExperiment 10 Determination of Serum Glutamicpyruvic Transaminase ActivityExperiment 11 Determination of Serum Urea Nitrogen ContentExperiment 12 Determination of Blood Glucose Concentration Experiment 13 Subculture of Adhesion Cells NNExperiment 14 Counting and Determination of Live/Dead CellsExperiment 15 Preparation of Cell Samples for Observation of Cell MorphologiesExperiment 16 Mitosis and Meiosis of Cells Experiment 17 Intracellular Distribution of Biomacromolecules Experiment 18 Isolation of Subcellular Components Experiment 19 Preparation of Chromosome Samples from Mouse Bone Marrow Cells Experiment 20 Banding Pattern of Human ChromosomesExperiment 21 Colony Forming Efficiency and Total Protein Analysis of Tumor CellsExperiment 22 Isolation,Amplification and Identification of the pactin Gene Fragment from Mouse Liver Cells Experiment 23 Purification of Target DNA and Generation of Recombinant DNA Experiment 24 Transformation and Screening of Recombinant DNA Experiment 25 Determination of Serum Proteins Using Western Blotting