
出版时间:2011-08-01  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:沃利  页数:272  


  《大学英语交互阅读教程3》内容及特色如下:  1.选篇经典,题材多样,内容丰富  阅读能力是在大量实践中培养起来的。《大学英语交互阅读教程》1-4册提供了大量阅读文章,本教材以主题划分单元,每册6个单元,每个单元包含2个章节,每个章节选有3-6篇与主题相关的文章。单元主题导入部分采用引文、照片或者图片的方式,调动学习者的兴趣,引发学习者个人相关体验的回忆,图文并茂,生动活泼。  2。练习设计精巧,形式多样,寓学于乐  《大学英语交互阅读教程3》突破传统练习的刻板模式,贯彻“任务依托式”的教学理念,尽可能地采用交互式的活动形式。  3.融合多种技能,培养阅读策略,授人以渔  以阅读技巧、阅读方法为主线,体现“主次分明,精泛结合”的原则,讲练阅读策略,例如预测、略读、扫读、“语块”阅读、猜词、识别文体、理解作者的意图等,培养学习者自主学习能力,“授人以渔”。使学习者不仅能快速、准确地阅读一般性题材的英文文章,还能进行一定的分析、推理和判断,促进其语言实际应用能力。


reading matter 3: overviewacknowledgmentsintroduction to the second editionunit 1fun hatterschapter 1 challenges in your free timelife on the edge1 meeting the challenge3amie clarke2 conquering fearalan hobsonchapter 2taking a break responsibtg: eco-tourismthe rise and fall of vacationseco-tourismtrouble in paradiseqomolangma: from mountain to molehill of litteru nit 2weather hatterschapter 3 poles apart: climate research in antarctica and the arcticmodeling the weather gets betterstudging the climate at the ends of the earthstudents on ice: trips to the polespreparing for disasters: natural no longerchapter 4 the weather and our healthluhen the weather gets you down1 the wintertime bluesseasonal affective disorder (sad)2 the summertime bluessad in the sunshinethe biological clockunit 3time matterschapter 5 are lue in a race against time?our schedules, our selves1 time boundliving on tokgo time2time freethe politics of spontaneitgchapter 6 procrastination: can uje manage our time?stand and deliverlearning how to use vour timeprocrastinate nowunit 4technologg matterschapter 7 building our luortd1 bridges: building acrossspanning historghigh and mightg2 skgscrapers: building upstanding tallrace to the skudubai: expanding in all directionsillinois sku citgchapter 8sustainable technologgsustainable technologglighting the world with ledsbuilding a better washing machinepump as vou plagengineers without bordersunit 5health matterschapter 9 epidemics1 a deadlg bacteria strikescholera2 a deadlu virus strikesthe spanish influenzamodern risks'and old habitsfighting aids in africachapter 10 medical miraclesfiftu vears of transplantstransplant facts in usahow to be a responsible eco-touristu nit 6attitude hatterschapter 11 anger: hotu to manage ztroad ragein beijingteaching manners to kidsi'm too mad to die!chapter 12 succeeding in a comptex ujorldhope emerges as the keu to success in life1 creating vour personal profilefinding out what motivates vou2 creating vour professional profilegetting more than a good 3obpractice, not talent, produces "genius"attitude is everuthingword listtext credits



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