
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:刘兵 编  页数:207  


  《21世纪高等学校英语课程改革规划教材:新探索大学英语综合教程2(学生用书)》是为提高大学英语教学质量,培养学生良好的英语综合能力而编写的。本教程的编写吸收借鉴了近年来国内外英语教学理论与实践的研究成果,在选材和编写过程中强调通过英语学习了解西方的社会风俗及风土人情,以提高学生的跨文化交际能力和实际应用能力。本教程注重培养学生的听说能力,通过熟练掌握日常英语会话,培养交流与讨论的技能,提高和拓展大学生的英语交际能力。  《21世纪高等学校英语课程改革规划教材:新探索大学英语综合教程2(学生用书)》每册分10个单元。每一个单元以一个主题为中心,每个主题中安排了不同的场景对话,使学生充分领悟每个话题中的交际策略,另外还设计了学生感兴趣的话题进行课后讨论,以有效地培养学生的英语口语交际能力。阅读部分设计了精读和泛读两部分,强调阅读技能的培养。阅读内容的选择注重西方文化的知识性、趣味性和实用性。文章中的选词提高了大纲词汇的覆盖率和常用词汇的重现率。课后筛选出每课的重点词汇和词组,加以反复操练。每个单元课文中所涉及到的主要语法以练习的形式呈现,内容精练,例句生动,并附有精心编写的语法练习,使学生能够将所学内容加以巩固和提高。


Unit l FestivalPart I Learning ObjectivesPart II Listening-Ho/d/ng a PartyPart III Speaking-Attending a PartyPart IV ReadingText AThe Origin of April Foo/'s DayWord Building Suffix: -ish and -likeGrammar Focus asWritingA Letter of /nvitationText B Christmas in /celandPart V  Time for Fun My First and My LastUnit 2 SleepPart I Learning ObjectivesPart II Listening-S/eep and Hea/thPart III Speaking-S/eepPartIV ReadingText A Can a Midday Nap Make You Smarter?Word BuildingPrefix: non-Grammar FocusThe more. . . the more. . .Writing A Letter of Acceptance or RefusalText BLost Sleep Can't Be Made Up, Study SuggestsPart V Time for Fun A SmugglerUnit 3 World ExpoPart I Learning ObjectivesPart II Listening-Word Expo Part III Speaking-Expo PerformancePart IV ReadingText A Shanghai Expo Through Their EyesWord Building Compound nounsGrammar Focus “It”as the formal subjectWritingA Letter of CongratulationText B Expo HistoryPart V Time for Fun'm G/adUnit 4 The Prediction of the FuturePart I Learning ObjectivesPart II Listening-PredictionPart III Speaking-Future LifePart IV ReadingText AIs Doomsday Comingl Perhaps, But Not in 2012Word Building Suffix: -at/on, -/on and -mentGrammar Focus  an attributeWriting A Graduation CertificateText B The Failure of  Most Prediction AboutTechnologyPart V Time for Fun It's His Fau ItUnit 5 FashionPart I Learning ObjectivesPart II Listening-Changes in FashionPart III Speaking-Fashionab/e C/othesPart IV  ReadingText A New Congress, New TrendWord BuildingPrefix: ab-Grammar Focus “so” or“neithef”Writing A PosterUnit 6 Internet of ThingsUnit 7 3-D TechnologyUnit 8 SportsmanshipUnit 9 AttitudeUnit 10 Famliy Affection



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