出版时间:2012-2 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:英国哈珀·柯林斯出版集团 编 页数:1350 字数:5945000 译者:张柏然
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版权页: 插图: 认为股价很低,有些便宜股可以买进。4 N-COUNT In the Roman Catholic church, a papal bull is an official statement on a particular subject that is issued by the pope.教皇训谕 5 N-U NCOUNT If yOU say that something is bull or a load of bull, you mean that it is complete nonsense or absolutely untrue. 胡说八道 [INFORMAL] I think it's a load of bull.我觉得那是一派胡言。 bull·doze/b()ldo()z/(bulldozes, ulldozing.bulldozed) 1 V-T If people bulldoze something such as a building, they knock it down using a bulldozer, (用推土机) 推到 She defeated developers who wonted to bull doze her home to build a supermerket. 她打败了那些企图推到她的家园建造超市的开发商。2 V-T If people bulldoze earth, stone, or other heavy material, they move it using a bulldozer. (用推土机) 推走 They have been cutting down the trees and bulldozing the land. 他们正砍倒树木,推整土地。3 V-T If someone bull dozes a plan through or bulldozes another person into doing something, they get what they want in an unpleasantly forceful way. 胁迫 [DISAPPROVAL] Dropping all pretense of reason, they began to bulldoze through the democratic reforms. 他们抛开一切佯装的理性,开始胁迫进行 民主革命。……to sway public opinion and bulldoze them into adopting uneconomic practices.……左右公众的观点,胁迫他们接受没有效益的做法。 bull·doz·er /b()ldo()z()r/ (bulldozers) N-COUNT A bulldozer is a large vehicle with a broad metalblade at the front, which is used for knocking down buildings or moving large amounts of earth. 推土机 bul·let/b()lit/(bullets) 1 N-COUNT A bullet is a small piece of metal with a pointed or rounded end, which is fired out of a gun. 子弹 Two of the police fired 16 bulletseoch. 两名警察各发射了16枚子弹。2 PHPASE If someone bites the bullet, they accept that they have to do something unpleasant but necessary. 硬着头皮接受 [JOURNALISM] Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut bul·letin/b()litin/(bulletins) 1 N-COUNT A bulletin is a short news report on the radio or television. (电台、电视台的)新闻快报 ……the early morning news bulletin. ……早间新闻快报。 N-COUNT A bulletin is a short official announcement made publicly to inform people about an important matter. 公告 At 3:30 p.m.a bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate donger. 下午3:30发布了公告,宣布总统暂时脱离了危险。