
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》项目组 高等教育出版社 (2011-05出版)  作者:《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》项目组 编  页数:362  




Part I Systems of ThoughtChapter 1 Ancient Greek CultureChapter 2 ChristianityPart II Art, Daily Life and Customs Through HistoryChapter 3 FoodChapter 4 CustomsChapter 5 FestivalsChapter 6 SuperstitionChapter 7 ArchitectureChapter 8 MedicineChapter 9 OratoryPart III Culture in PerspectiueChapter 10 Intellectual MovementChapter 11 The Great BooksChapter 12 Popular MusicChapter 13 Organizational CultureChapter 14 Web Communication Culture


版权页:插图:It would seem ridiculous that Caesar could come to power in today's America. But that ineffect is what has happened. By providing "Always Low Prices," Sam Walton understood onething clearly. As Caesar knew how to obtain and maintain his power accordingly, Sam Waltonknew that Americans deserved "Always Low Prices" —— low prices were their inalienable right.Americans work hard for their money and by providing them a place where they could stretchthat dollar even further Walton knew that a powerful recipe would be borne. In his eyes "AlwaysLow Prices" was nothing less than his civic responsibility, a service to the community ——Caesar looking out for the good of all his subiects.Through his tireless efforts of providing "Always Low Prices," Sam Walton was able toinvigorate his company with an over-arching goal of cost control that would accomplishtwo critical points from where his modern day Empire could flourish. First, it would lay thefoundation for one of America's most frugal companies and create a discipline that wouldbe second to none. Second, it would solidify an archetypical myth figure that would survivehim as founder and further lay the bedrock on top of which the Wal-Mart culture could firmlygrow. Without either of these cultural necessities of discipline and myth Wal-Mart would notand could not be the Wal-Mart we know of today.Every Empire needs its army to have discipline, without discipline in the ranks of thefoot soldiers all is lost. Sam Walton intrinsically knew this and gave his employees a uniformmessage, something that they all could believe in, something that they could rally around ——"Always Low Prices." It was simple, elegant and it was powerful. Any commander will tellyou that all armies need a rallying cry or central theme to be effective —— something that everyfoot soldier can easily understand. Kill the enemy because the enemy is evil. Kil high pricesbecause high prices are evil. Interestingly, the assumption that the enemy is evil never getsquestioned or else the whole idea of war makes no sense. In the same manner within Wal-Mart, the assumption that high prices are evil is never questioned or else the whole idea ofnever faltering to provide low prices makes no sense.





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  •   这本书还是蛮好的,虽然应该是关于英语的西方文化教材,但是内容还是蛮好的,属于大点的16开,从一个个重要人物和文化内容解释了西方文化,是一本不错的西方文化的书,只是好像买的人不是蛮多
  •   书是正品包装整齐,没有破损,价格公道,速度快 很好!

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