
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》项目组 编  页数:287  


  《科技英语阅读》是大学英语教学的重要组成部分,是教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》对大学英语的后续课程——专业英语教学提出的明确要求。本教程是大学英语基础教学向专业英语教学过渡的教材,其目的在于巩固学生在大学英语基础阶段所学的英语技能,拓宽语言知识面,扩大词汇量和专业阅读量,培养学生自主学习能力及以英语为工具获取专业信息、翻译科技文献资料、撰写科技论文的能力,以促进非英语专业高年级学生专业课的学习与提高,增强其对国际知识与信息横向交流的能力。  《科技英语阅读》教程所选用的素材均来自最新国内外权威报纸和网站,力求体现专业性和知识性、趣味性、实用性相结合的原则;教材编写体现灵活性、科学性和完整性的特点;选材广泛,信息量大,内容新颖,紧扣当前科技发展的前沿成果和科研方向,反映了现代科技发展的成果和科技英语的特点,内容涉及数学、物理、计算机、电子、材料、机械、基因工程、地质、城市规划及核能等十大领域,力求与学生现实及未来的生活与工作相结合、学与用相结合。


unit 1 mathematics part i est reading what is russell's paradox? who discovered the mandelbrot set? part ii est reading strategy part iii online resources uuit 2 physics part i est reading what is dark energy? physics: quantum computing part ii est reading strategy part iii online resources unit 3 network security part i est reading when everyone's a friend, is anything private? cybercrime: the global epidemic at your network door part ii est reading strategy part iii online resources unit 4 electronic information (robots).part i est reading remote-controlled robot surrogate could attend your next meeting for you a digital dark age? challenges in the preservation of electronic information part ii est translation strategy part iii online resources unit 5 materials part i est reading is straw the building material of the furore? dna - a new material for photonics? part ii est reading strategy part iii online resources unit 6 mechanics and automotives part i est reading the future vision for mechanical engineering the invention of the modern automobile part ii est translation strategy part iii online resources unit 7 genetic engineering part i est reading genetic engineering in a nutshell tools for dna manipulation part ii est translation strategy part hi online resources unit 8 space exploration part i est reading does god play dice? machine dreams part ii est writing strategy part iii online resources unit 9 urban planning part i est reading urbanisation in medcs urban planning and 21st century urbanisation part ii est writing strategy part iii online resources unit 10 nuclear energy part i est reading nuclear power worldwide: status and outlook the legacy of e = mc2 part ii est writing strategy part iii online resources


  Nothing inherent in the discipline steers planners either toward environmental protectionor toward economic development-or toward a third goal of planning: social equity. Instead,planners work within the tension generated among these three fundamental aims, which,collectively, I call the planner's triangle, with sustainable development located at its center.This center cannot be reached directly, but only approximately and indirectly, through asustained period of confronting and resolving the triangle's conflicts. To do so, plannershave to redefine sustainability, since its current formulation romanticizes our sustainablepast and is too vaguely holistic. Planners would benefit both from integrating social theorywith environmental thinking and from combining their substantive skills with techniques forcommunity conflict resolution, to confront economic and environmental injustice.  ……?




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