出版时间:2010-10 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:宫东风英语教学团队 页数:125 字数:200000
高教版2011年考研英语系列丛书,由考研英语大纲修订的专家和全国考研英语辅导团队中的精英教师编写。可满足2011年考生全过程复习备考的需要。 本系列教材专门针对全国各地考研辅导班学生的特点和需求量身打造,也适合社会考生自学的需要。书中融合了考研英语辅导专家多年辅导的经验,完全切中考研英语大纲的考点,内容阐述准确、精炼,重点突出。同时本书在编写中吸取了各届辅导班学员的意见和建议,对考生来说是一套非常权威、实用的考试参考书。 一、《2011年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)考试大纲(非英语专业)》规定了2011年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语科目的考试范围、考试要求、考试形式、试卷结构等。与2010年版相比,2011年版考研英语大纲作了一定程度的修订。它既是2011年全国硕士研究生入学英语考试命题的唯一依据,也是考生复习备考必不可少的工具书。 二、《2011年考研英语真题考点与常见错误透析》根据最新英语考试大纲的要求,总结了考研英语历年真题考查的知识点和常见错误,包括试题解析、选项解析、考生常见错误与防范、试题全文翻译、重点词语和长难句分析。本书的最大特点是:从解题思路和常见错误人手去审视和剖析每一道试题。考生可以通过这种较高学术性的解题方式迅速领悟考试的重点和难点,走出复习和解题的盲区。
"The essential qualities of a true Pan-Americanism ", remarked FranklinRoosevelt in 1933, " must be the same as those which constitute a goodneighbour, namely mutual understanding and.., a sympathetic appreciation ofthe others point of view. " That is advice which the united States would do wellto heed in its relations with its immediate neighbours, Canada and Mexico. MostAmericans may not be aware of it, but frustrations and resentments are buildingjust across their borders to both south and north. Of course, neighbourly ties in North America are closer than in Rooseveltsday. Under the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), trade amongthe three countries has more than doubled since 1994 and cross-borderinvestment climbed even faster. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks ofSeptember l lth 2001, the United States moved quickly to sign "smart border"agreements with both Canada and Mexico, to try to ensure that the demands ofsecurity did not interrupt trade. By the standards of much of the 20th century,political ties between the United States and Mexico are warm.