出版时间:2010-12 出版社:高等教育 作者:《同等学力人员申请硕士学位:英语水平全国统一考试指南(根据第5版考试大纲编写)(最新版)》编写组 编 页数:367
2008年11月国务院学位委员会办公室颁布了《同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲》(第五版)。新《大纲》对于该考试的题型、题量和分值等都进行了调整。为了帮助广大考生更好地了解新《大纲》,有针对性地复习,我们特别编写了本书。 本书对新《大纲》的特点以及与前几版《大纲》的区别进行了详细分析,以近几年试题为例详细地分析了各种题型,讲解了各部分题型的备考与答题对策,并提供了各部分题型的专项练习及讲解。本书还提供了2007年至2010年全套真题精解及点评,并配有两套模拟试题。书后还附有用以帮助考生复习会话技能部分的常用词组、习语与惯用法表。 本书的编写人员均为资深的英语命题研究专家和教授,他们对于新《大纲》和考试新题型的解读将对考生复习备考同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试有很大的帮助。
第五版《大纲》解析第一部分 会话技能第二部分 词汇第三部分 阅读理解第四部分 综合填空第五部分 翻译第六部分 英语写作第七部分 模拟试题 模拟试题一 模拟试题一参考答案 模拟试题二 模拟试题二参考答案第八部分 2007-2010年同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试真题与精解 2007年试卷 2008年试卷 2009年试卷 2010年试卷 2007年试卷精解 2008年试卷精解 2009年试卷精解 2010年试卷精解附:会话常用词组、习语与惯用法
For decades, researchers have grappled with the problem of creating a machine that can tell,definitively, whether a person is lying. Until recently, their work has been far from successful. Thepast generation of lie-detection technologies has been put under scientific scrutiny and found wanting.But science, ever resourceful, is coming up with new ideas. The problem with past lie detectors is that it relies on second-hand signs of lying, such as a person'sbreathing rate, pulse, blood pressure which a good actor can suppress. Furthermore, someone who istelling the truth might exhibit just these signals, because the very act of being questioned by theauthorities is stressful. Instead, current research is looking directly at the source of lies, the brain itself. Daniel Langleben uses a brain-scanning technique called functional magnetic-resonance imaging toprobe his subjects' honesty. The lie which those subjects are asked to tell is a small one: they have topersuade Dr. Langleben that they are holding a particular playing card when often they are actuallyholding a different one. Each successful deception earns a subject $20. The researchers have not hadto hand out much cash, though. The brains of lying subjects light up in particular places in ways thatthey do not in the honest. Another brain-probing lie-detection technique, based on electroencephalography (EEG), hasactually made it out of the laboratory and into the courtroom. Lawrence Farwell calls it MERMER(memory and encoding related muhifaceted electroencephalographic response). MERMER works byhooking someone up to an EEG machine and asking him about specific details of, for example, a crimescene. Lack of a brainwave called P300 denotes lack of familiarity with the details in question,suggesting any denial should be taken at face value. The technique has already stood up to legalscrutiny twice. It will soon be used again, in the appeal by Jimmy Slaughter against his conviction formurdering his ex-girlfriend, Melody Wuertz. MERMER suggests that Mr. Slaughter had no recollectionof important facts about the murder, such as which rooms the victim' body was located in. Although not yet foolproof, these methods do offer possible alternatives to the antiquatedtechniques of the polygraph. The truth is out there. It is just a question of finding it. ……
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