
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:高等教育  作者:《高等学校英语应用能力考试实考试题与模拟试题汇编》编写组 编  页数:70  


高等学校英语应用能力考试(practical english test for colleges)是教育部批准实行的一项教学考试,由高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会与各省、市、自治区教学主管部门实施。其考试对象为高职高专院校、成人高等学校,以及本科办职业技术学院的学生。    本书由8套完整的高等学校英语应用能力考试(b级)试卷组成,包括2010年6月实考试卷和另外7套精选模拟试卷。每套试卷都配有参考答案、听力文字材料和评分标准,并附听力录音。其中,实考试题和3套模拟试题由命题专家做了详细的分析和讲解。另外4套模拟试题供考生考前自测。


practical english test for colleges (level b) test one ( 2010年6月实考试题 ) practical english test for colleges (level b) test two practical english test for colleges (level b) test three practical english test for colleges (level b) test four practical english test for colleges (level b) test five practical english test for colleges (level b) test six practical english test for colleges (level b) test seven practical english test for colleges (level b) test eight practical english test for colleges (level b) 答案 keys practical english test for colleges (level b) 题解 skills practical english test for colleges (level b) 录音稿 scripts


  We all need exercise. This is as true for young people in their teens as it is for adults from 20 to 80.Regular exercise temporarily tires the body but then actually gives you more energy. This is why many people who suffer from general tiredness can benefit from taking more exercise rather than more rest (as long as there are no medical reasons for their tiredness).  Exercise makes you feel and look better and can also help you to lose weight because it bums up fat or food to produce energy.  In the past, most people used to get enough exercise in their working lives to stay reasonably fit. Butnowadays nearly everyone —— especially those who sit down most of the day —— should make a consciousef fort to set time aside for regular exercise. If you are over 40, or if you have recently had a serious illness, it is a good idea to visit your doctor before starting a regular exercise routine (日常锻炼).


  《高等学校英语应用能力考试实考试题与模拟试题汇编(B级2010版)》:权威:高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会特聘命题专家严格按照高等学校英语应  用能力考试大纲编写,由考试委员会惟一授权出版。实用:命题专家对试题做详细的分析和讲解,同时提供了评分标准。考前使用本  书进行复习训练有助于提高考试通过率。最新:第一时间收录了2010年6月的实考试题及其录音原声。真实:排版格式与实考试卷完全一致,附标准录音文件和标准答题卡样板,试卷  与答案分离,可在模拟的全真考试环境中练习,也便于教师教学使用。



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