
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:贺雪娟,郭定芹,付检新 编  页数:180  


  随着经济全球化的进一步发展,我国与世界各国的经济合作日益深入,国际商贸交往日益)频繁。在对国际化商贸人才需求日益增加的同时,社会对高素质商贸人才的英语应用能力的要求愈来愈高,进而对商务英语教学的载体——商务英语教材的编写也提出了更高的要求。《职通商务英语》系列教材旨在提高学习者的商务英语语言交际技巧,培养其熟练掌握英语,通晓商务知识,熟悉国际商务环境,善于跨文化交际的能力,以满足现代社会对商贸人才的需求。  《职通商务英语综合教程》将商务专业知识和跨文化商务交际能力与英语语言运用技能结合在一起,以学生为中心、以商务为环境、以商贸岗位任务为路径、以商务交际为目的,由浅入深,循序渐进,通过对学生听、说、读、写、译等基本技能的全面训练,培养学生通晓商务技能,掌握英语知识以及在未来岗位中完成商务任务和商务交际的能力。




Unit 1 Business KaleidoscopeSection Ⅰ Lead-in 1Section Ⅱ Reading What Is Business? 3Section Ⅲ Language Focus 6Vocabulary Business Concept 6Grammar Present Simple Tense 8Translation Business Activity 9Section Ⅳ Business Writing Business Letters 10Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Expressing Opinions 12Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Dos and Donts in USA 15Unit 2 Business Enterprise 16Section Ⅰ Lead-in 16Section Ⅱ Reading What Kind of Business Enterprise is Best for You? 18Section Ⅲ Language Focus 21Vocabulary Company Structure 21Grammar Past Simple Tense 23Translation Management of an Enterprise 25Section Ⅳ Business Writing A Company Profile 25Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Presenting a Company 28Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Manners 32Unit 3 Business Plan33Section Ⅰ Lead-in 33Section Ⅱ Reading Business Plan 36Section Ⅲ Language Focus 39Vocabulary Business Terms 39Grammar Future Tense 41Translation Business Plans 42Section Ⅳ Business Writing Agenda 43Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Holding a Meeting d5Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Business Meeting Etiquette 48Review 1-3 50Unit 4 Business Relationship54Section Ⅰ Lead-in 54Section Ⅱ Reading What Is Corporate Entertainment? 56Section Ⅲ Language Focus 59Vocabulary Business Relationship 59Grammar Present Continuous Tense 61Translation Business Relationship 62Section Ⅳ Business Writing Business Cards & Business Greeting Cards 63Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Socializing 65Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Greetings and Introductions in Business 69Unit 5 Marketing70Section Ⅰ Lead-in 70Section Ⅱ Reading The Marketing Mix 72Section Ⅲ Language Focus 76Vocabulary The Four Ps 76Grammar Modal Verbs 78Translation Marketing Process 79Section Ⅳ Business Writing Telephone Messages 80Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Business Telephoning 82Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Telephone Manners 85Unit 6 Advertising87Section Ⅰ Lead-in 87Section Ⅱ Reading Advertising 88Section ⅢLanguage Focus 91Vocabulary Advertising Concept 91Grammar Comparatives and Superlatives 93Translation Product Description 94Section Ⅳ Business Writing A Short Product Description 95Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Presenting a Product 96Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette What Should the Salesperson Do? 99Review 4-6 100Unit 7 Retail Business104Section Ⅰ Lead-in 104Section Ⅱ Reading Retail Trade 105Section Ⅲ Language Focus 108Vocabulary Retail Concept 108Grammar Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Articles 110Translation Business Activity 112Section Ⅳ Business Writing Business Memo 113Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Offering Help 115Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Tips for Cross-Cultural Communication in Language 117Unit 8 Banking 119Section Ⅰ Lead-in 119Section Ⅱ Reading The Business of Banking 121Section Ⅲ Language Focus 124Vocabulary Banking Service 124Grammar Present Perfect Tense 125Translation Business Plans 127Section Ⅳ Business Writing Notice 127Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Giving and Asking for Advice 129Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Banking Etiquette 132Unit 9E-Business134Section Ⅰ Lead-in 134Section Ⅱ Reading What is E-business? 136Section ⅢLanguage Focus 139Vocabulary E-Business Concept 139Grammar Passive Ⅴoice 141Translation E-Business Activity 143Section 1ⅤBusiness Writing Email 143Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Making Suggestions 145Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Business Email Etiquette 148Unit 10 Customer Service 150Section Ⅰ Lead-in 150Section Ⅱ Reading What Is Customer Service? 152Section ⅢLanguage Focus 155Vocabulary Customer Service Concept 155Grammar Past Continuous Tense; Past Perfect Tense 156Translation Customer Service 157Section Ⅳ Business Writing Letters of Complaint; Adjustment Letters 159Section Ⅴ Listening & Speaking Dealing with Complaint 162Section Ⅵ Business Etiquette Ten Commandments of Customer Service 165Review 7-10166Glossary 170


  Make out a list of your companys products and services and describe each one. Take each product and service and describe their purpose, how a customer would use it, and the benefits they offer.   Step 3  Detail the "lifeline" of each product and service. If your products and services are known for their longevity, explain the reliability and strengths of its consistency and durability. If your products and services are known for their ease in disposability, explain the economic value and minimal upkeep required to use the product. If your products and services are known for their ability to change as technology changes, then explain their ease of adaptation and upgradeable capabilities.   Step 4  Protect your trade secrets and inventions.  Step 5  Organize your list of products and services in a bullet format that would easily and quickly describe your products and services to an end user.



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