
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:高等教育  作者:《大学英语选修课/学科课程系列教材》项目组 编  页数:195  


  《法律英语2》具备以下几个主要特点:  一.在法律英语教学中将法律知识学习与专业语言技能训练相结合。通过学习本教材,学生能够在特定的语境中准确掌握法律英语专业词汇和法律文书中常用语言,熟悉法律英语的语言特点,同时系统了解英美法律制度与特征,提高阅读和理解法律文书的能力,例如法律期刊、商事立法、法律函件和其他商事法律文件。  二.本教材以英美法律制度和部门法为主要内容,将英美等国法律活动的真实内容引入课堂教学,体验真实的法律活动的诸多方面。本教材为法律英语教学提供了大量真实、生动的素材,提高学生对法律相关的各种情形中所使用的法律英语口语的理解能力,增强口语表达技能,从而更有效地参与法律谈判。同时,学生可以了解英美法律制度及部门法,以达到在体验法律活动中学习语言、提高法律活动交际能力的目的。  三.角色扮演和案例学习将提高学生的语言交际能力。本教材的突出特色是任务式和体验式的教学活动设计。每个单元都有角色扮演和案例学习等交际任务,例如与客户会晤、与同事讨论和合同谈判。每个交际任务都以真实的法律事务隋景为参照,交际任务目标明确,鼓励学习者在完成交际任务的过程中复用所学语言知识,提高交际能力,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动中。  四.教学设计严谨,为进一步提高法律英浯水平打好基础。本教材的每个单元以短篇文章为基础,设计为相关的阅读、听力、口语和写作等形式,中间穿插形式多样的任务活动,进行法律事务技能的学习。最后,在充分学习和掌握相关内容和技能的基础卜进行案例学习。


UNIT 1 criminal law reading 1: introduction to criminal law key terms: criminal law listening 1 speaking and writing 1 reading 2: parties to a crime listening 2 speaking 2 writing 2 language focus translation skills translation of participial phrases (1) UNIT 2 criminal procedural law reading: introduction to criminal procedure key terms: procedural rights text analysis: the basic structure of the process listening: bail speaking: asking follow-up questions writing: prefer the active voice over the passive language focus translation skills translation of participial phrases (2) UNIT 3 civil procedural law reading: introduction to civil procedure key terms: jurisdiction text analysis: understanding evidence listening: discovery speaking: questioning skills writing: write an complaint language focus translation skills translation of appositive clauses UNIT 4 sale of goods reading 1: introduction to sale of goods legislation key terms: sale of goods language use: terms and conditions of sale listening 1: legal writing seminar on drafting clauses reading 2 listening 2: a case brief text analysis: a case brief writing and speaking: a case brief language focus translation skills translation of the negative UNIT 5 real property law reading: introduction to property law key terms: parties referred to in real property law listening 1: easements listening 2: buying a house in spain speaking: an aspect of real property law, language use: giving a presentation —— structuring and signalling transitions. writing: summarizing and requesting language focus case study task 1: read the case report and answer these questions task 2: find words or phrases in the 'above text which match these definitions task 3: case discussion translation skills translation of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns UNIT 6 intellectual property reading: introduction to intellectual property key terms: intellectual property listening: training of junior lawyers speaking: phrases for discussions writing: notes for a case brief language focus case study: intellectual property law the facts of the case task 1: speaking task 2: writing relevant legal documents translation skills translation of long sentences UNIT 7 negotiable instrument reading: introduction to negotiable instruments key terms: negotiable instruments, listening: advice from a senior partner speaking: explaining ideas to a client writing: summarizing requirements language focus translation skills translation of legal terminology UNIT 8 secured transactions reading 1: introduction to secured transactions key terms: comparing and contrasting concepts reading 2: internal email text analysis: formality/adverb-verb collocations listening 1: creating a security interest listening 2: intellectual property in secured transactions language use: requesting information speaking: requesting and presenting information writing: a polite refusal language focus translation skills translation of latin words UNIT 9 debtor-creditor reading 1: introduction to debtor-creditor key terms: types of liens listening 1: a job interview speaking 1: a job interview writing 1: a thank-you note reading 2: a career as an insolvency practitioner listening 2: protecting assets from judicial liens speaking 2: discussing insolvency work writing 2: a covering letter language focus translation skills translation of sentences without subject UNIT 10 competition law reading 1: introduction to competition law key terms: anti-competitive activity reading 2: anti-competitive activities and anti-trust measures in the eu listening: advising on competition law risks language use: warning a client of risks text analysis: a proposal speaking: giving opinions —— a competition law case writing: a proposal language focus translation skills translation of some commonly used expressions keys listening transcripts


版权页:插图:9. Count the passive-voice constructions in the following paragraphs. Decide Which ones you would   change to active voice. Change them, The intention of the donor is established at the moment the funds are dedicated to a charitable cause.This dedication imposes a charitable trust for the donor's objective as effectively as if the assets had been accepted subject to an express limitation providing that the donation was to be held in trust by a trustee solely for the purpose for which it was given. It is imperative that the objectives of individuals who give to charity be strictly adhered to.There are situations in which a motion for rehearing should be granted. Before the enactment of it was held that when such a motion was granted, any appeals from the prior order would be dismissed.





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  •   配套音频听力声音这么小!!!不如原版声音大而且,编写的很不用心,就是把原版书简单删减,加点翻译就成书了,很糊弄事啊。
  •   内容相当全面,涉及听说读写四个方面,很适合备考ILEC。
  •   每次买书都在卓越亚马逊。包装不错,还附有光盘,书是正版的,邮寄速度也快,不错!!

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