出版时间:2012-06-01 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:《新编实用英语》教材编写组 编 页数:250
《新编实用英语:学学·练练·考考2(第3版)》(New Practical English)是由教育部原高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会组织全国力量按照《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》编写的高职高专公共英语教材,是高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会向全国高职高专院校推荐的推动实用英语教学改革的新型教材。 《新编实用英语》自2002年出版发行以来,受到了高职高专院校广大师生和社会各界的热烈欢迎。在近10年的实际使用过程中,《新编实用英语》及其修订版在广泛听取来自广大用户批评和建议的基础上不断改革创新,现已成为高职英语教学改革的领军教材之一。它切实贯彻“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”的高职高专人才培养的总体方向,创出了被社会广泛认可的“实用英语”这一高职高专英语教学的品牌,并在编排上实现了“实用,好学,好教”的教学目标,受到了高职高专广大师生的热烈欢迎。
Unit 1 Invitation EtiquetteSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Don't Arrive Too Late or Too EarlyPassage 2 Social Invitations Advice for International StudentsSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 2 E-mailSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Moving from Face-to-Face to E-mail SellingPassage 2 57 Percent of Americans Google Themselvesl RegularlySection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 3 Communication by PhoneSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp Eye.Passage 1 A Cat with A Phone NumberPassage 2 Got A Cell Phone? Please Don't Call Me!Section Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit4 Hotel ServiceSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Lost and Found Items Perplex the Hotel TradePassage 2 Letter from the PresidentSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 5 Food BlogsSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Eating OutPassage 2 Blogs on Eating out in ChinaSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 6 Shopping and SightseeingUnit 7 FarewellUnit 8 Applying for A JobSelf-AssessmentKey&TranslationVocalbulary&Phrases