出版时间:2010-6 出版社:高等教育 作者:顾越//张凯 页数:209
全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)中阅读理解分值几近半壁江山。“得英语者得天下”,此言不虚,如果更确切地说那应该是“得阅读者得英语”。但阅读能力的培养是一个系统工程,要想在一定时间内得以快速提升,必须从“词、句、篇、题”这四个层面下手,精读与泛读结合、解题和解题技巧接轨才能切实提升考试通关能力。 常常有考生疑惑:“为什么单词都认识还是读不懂呢?”症结就在长难句里。在单词积累到一定程度时,阅读文章中的长句、难句便成了考生在阅读时所遇到的最大障碍。其结构繁杂,让考生如坠云雾、不知所云。而长难句又恰恰是考点所在,理解不了长难句就无法完整纵观全篇,更无法解题,即使利用技巧定位到了出处,但也常常因为无法读懂长难句考点所传达的信息铩羽而归。长难句搞懂了,阅读也就成功了一多半。在此基础上,通过适当的精读训练并结合解题技巧和阶段性阅读训练,方可全面切实地提升考生的应试能力。 本书采用了难易结合的编写方式。第一部分阅读基本功,对考试中所常考的句式进行了剖析讲解,并辅以语法知识的简明表述,力求细致入微。第二部分是精读训练,主要是从语境、文化背景、篇章结构等方面详细分析系列文章,使学生能全方位洞悉文章的篇章结构。第三部分主要是对联考题型和解题技巧进行了细致分类详解,尤其是增加了新题型PART B部分,目的是使考生形成一套快速准确应对阅读理解的务实性方案。第四部分真题回放,再现2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)及2009年全国攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试卷、以真题全面提高考生的应考水平。本书适用于MBA、MPA、MPAcc、法律硕士、金融硕士、GCT等专业硕士备考使用。
第一部分 阅读理解基本功第二部分 精读训练第三部分 题型精讲第四部分 真题回放
Suppose you go into a fruiters shop,wanting an apple——you take up one,and on biting it you findit is sour;you look at it, and see that it is hard and green. You take up another one, and that, too, ishard,green,and sour. The shop man offers you a third;but, before biting it, you examine it, and findthat it is hard and green,and you immediately say that you will not have it, as it must be sour, likethose that you have already tried. Nothing can be more simple than that, you think;but if you will take the trouble to analyze andtrace out into its logical elements what has been done by the mind, you will be greatly surprised. Inthe first place you have performed the operation of induction. You find that, in two experiences,hardness and greenness in apples went together with sourness. It was so in the first case, and it wasconfirmed by the second. True. it is a very small basis, but still it is enough from which to make aninduction;you generalize the facts, and you expect to find sourness in apples where you get hardnessand greenness. You found upon that a general law,that all hard and green apples are sour;and that, so far as itgoes,is a perfect induction. Well,having got your natural law in this way. When you are offered anotherapple which you find it hard and green,you say, "All hard and green apples are sour;this apple is hardand green;therefore, this apple is sour. " That train of reasoning is what logicians call a syllogism(段落法) ,and has all its various parts and terms——its major premises, its minor premises, and itsconclusion, and by the help of further reasoning, which, if drawn out, would have to be exhibited intwo or three other syllogisms, you arrive at your final determination," I will not have that apple. "
2011年MBA、MPA、MPAcc联考英语阅读理解完全攻略 PDF格式下载