
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:[英] 戈尔茨坦 、《新大学基础英语》组  页数:91  字数:209000  




1 The Concrete Jungle2 Lives and Loves3 Work It OutWorld English DVD 1: Jobs and Cities4 Sportmania5 In Transit6 Food to GoWorld English DVD 2: The Cinnamon Club7 Money Talks8 Gossip9 Hi-techWorld English DVD 3: Retail Therapy10 Global Chat11 Street Styles12 AlternativesWorld English DVD 4: Who Speaks English?


  The Language focus boxes within New Framework encourage students to notice structures and patterns from text examples and come to their own conclusions. Students are often asked to use their instinct and to recover what they already know. In this way, they are actively involved in the explanation of grammar points, which are then practised and personalised. The same is true of lexis, particularly in The Real Thing sections; again, students are carefully guided to discovering things for themselves.  Topics  The Framework series features contemporary topics covered with a fresh approach. The topics were chosen and developed in close consultation with teachers and students and each has been given an attractive, dynamic slant. Indeed, research has shown that although the conventional topics in many courses are of interest to students, its their treatment which is important. In New Framework, they are geared to be of interest and relevance to students.



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