
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:中等职业学校英语教材编写组 编  页数:81  




UNIT 1 Working TogetherUNIT 2 Following InstructionsUNIT 3 Dealing with TechnologyUNIT 4 Safety at WorkUNIT 5 Operation and MaintenanceUNIT 6 Making Use of ToolsUNIT 7 Job HuntingUNIT 8 Career Ladders


  P1: If your child faces a medical emergency or becomes lost, having a cell phone can mean the difference between life and death. A cell phone can also be used to warn the police of unsafe situations with strangers.  P2: Although this might not be a good idea to your child, make an agreement with him/ her that if you get him/her a cell phone, he/she is required to check in with you regularly when he/she is out. Some cell phones even offer GPS tracking, a technology built into the phone that can find out a persons location.



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