出版时间:2010-5 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:王建军、李宁、徐丹、董长根、施正南、王业兵 页数:224
本书系环球雅思学校一线名师们的心血之作,参与编写的名师门学术底蕴深厚,从事雅思考试培训工作多年,他们无一不是在业界声望卓著的金牌培训师、优秀作者和著名语言测试专家,在考生中口碑甚佳。其培养的学员数以万计,由他们执笔编写,确保了本书的专业性和实用性。 本书内含5套A类剑桥雅思全真模拟试题,通过模拟试题的测试,考生既可以全方位地提高英语水平,又可以熟悉并掌握雅思最新考试内容、考试形式、试题类型等,最可贵的是,通过测试,可以让考生获得实战经验,从而达到短期内迅速提高雅思成绩的目的。本书具有试题解析全面独特,技法鲜明实用等特点。 听力部分由名师徐丹倾情打造;从场景介绍、听前预测、定位信息、名师解读、陷阱提示等多角度分析听力测试特点,总结听力备考策略,并就考点的难点举一反三。 阅读部分由名师董长根、施正南、王业兵精心策划;从定位信息、解题技巧、名师解读等角度总结备考要点,详尽讲解阅读解题技巧,为考生找到各种题型的“必杀技”,大大提高解题的速度和准确度。 写作部分由名师王建军倾力奉献;从名师讲解、加分句型、考官评分等角度分析写作种种误区,帮助考生习得雅思写作高分奥秘,助考生攀登雅思写作之巅。 口语部分由名师李宁娓娓道来;从名师点评、延伸词汇、口语语料库等角度精心剖析雅思口语考试话题,模拟口语实战演练,帮考生突破雅思口语考试瓶颈。 从编写形式上看,本书突出如下几个特点: 第一,紧扣雅思考试的出题思路,所选试题设计贴近真题; 第二,真题再现,5套试题均选自最新机经,仿真度高; 第三,题目解析精准,考点全面,归纳到位; 第四,根据考生的弱点,重点扫清解题障碍。 本书能以高品质的面貌和大家见面,离不开上海、广州和北京环球雅思学校名师们的努力和配合。本书从调研论证、确定编写方案到编写完成,前后历时一年多,得到了方方面面的支持和帮助。这里,我首先要感谢本书的特约策划赵丹女士,她在本书的策划阶段作出了奠基性贡献,在协调编写工作的各个环节付出了大量努力。这里还要感谢环球雅思总校的总裁张永琪先生、董事长张晓东女士以及刘海华副校长、教学部总监陆航先生多年来对我的关心和帮助。他们的人格魅力给予了我深深的影响。
王建军:环球雅思北京总校写作金牌名师。 李宁:上海环球雅思北美考试院院长,雅思考试资深培训师。 徐丹:上海环球雅思学校雅思听力、阅读首席主讲。 董长根:上海环球雅思学校雅思阅读、写作名师。 施正南:广州环球雅思学校雅思阅读金牌讲师。 王业兵:广州环球雅思学校雅思阅读金牌讲师。
Model Test 1Model Test 1答案及解析Model Test 2Model Test 2答案及解析Model Test 3Model Test 3答案及解析Model Test 4Model Test 4答案及解析Model Test 5Model Test 5答案及解析
Africa is already beleaguered by infectious diseases, such as AIDS and malaria, but now thecontinents residents face growing health threats from preventable illnesses brought on by lifestylechanges, such as from poor diets and smoking. In an effort to stave off these maladies, advocateshave turned their sights on tobacco use, which is on the rise throughout Africa and projected todouble by 2021. Of the approximately one billion people across the world who use tobacco, 60million to 80 million live in Africa. Along with lobbying for higher tobacco taxes and broader public health messages, advocatesare hoping to eliminate smoking in public places in an effort to protect people from both first-and second-hand smoke. About a billion people worldwide live in municipalities where smokingis outlawed in public places, according to a report published Tuesday by Global SmokefreePartnership (a joint initiative backed by the American Cancer Society, Johns Hopkins BloombergSchool of Public Health, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and 14 other entities) and announced in timefor the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancers (AORTIC) "Cancer in Africa"conference taking place this week in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Reducing secondhand smokeexposure can reduce the rates of lung cancer, heart attacks and breathing trouble in populations. "Its one of the most frustrating things," Thomas Glynn, director of International CancerControl for the American Cancer Society (ACS) and acting head of the Global SmokefreePartnership says, about knowing that many nicotine-related illnesses can be prevented——especially among those who do not smoke——with the right laws and education. A few countriesin Africa have taken a firm stance on public smoking, the Indian Ocean nation, Mauritius,and South Africa have passed strong national smoke-free laws, and Nigerias capital, Abuja,has a local ordinance in effect. But in many areas throughout the continent, politicallyconnected and economically strong tobacco companies——and their addictive products——areshaping up to be a substantial opponent (British American Tobacco, a member of the industrygroup the Tobacco Institute of Southern Africa, did not respond to request for comment).
《最新剑桥雅思必备全真模拟试卷》洞悉、命题规律,名师雅思,机经试卷,北京、上海、广州环球雅思,名师联袂震感出击。内念5套雅思A类机经试题、答案说解、听力原文、解题技巧。 绝对名师:环球雅思三地金牌名师联袂出击,绝对机经:5套试题均选自机经,全真模拟考试,绝对解析:题日解析精炼,考点归纳到位。