出版时间:2010-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:史密斯 (Lorraine C.Smith) 梅尔 (Nan 页数:231
《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材·大学英语泛读教程2(第2版)》旨在提高学生的阅读能力、巩固所学词汇、激发学生对不同话题的兴趣,为今后阅读学术、技术文献奠定基础。适合非英语专业一年级下半学期的学生使用。 全书共4个单元,每个单元由3章组成。其特点主要体现在以下几个方面:重视培养学生阅读文献的能力和技巧;教材编写贴近学生的现实生活,真实、丰富、有趣;重视词汇的复现和反复操练;重视学习与现实生活、新技术的联系,培养学习能力。
SkillsIntroductionUNIT 1: Trends in LivingChapter 1 A Cultural Difference: Being on TimeIn some cultures, it is important to be on time. But“on time”canhave different meanings in different cultures.Chapter 2 Changing Lifestyles and New Eating HabitsThe way you live affects the way you eat. Sometimes when peoplechange their lifestyles, they change their eating habits, too.Chapter 3 Dreams: Making Them Work for UsDo you have bad dreams? Nightmares? You can learn to changebad dreams into good dreams, and feel better, too.UNIT 2: Issues in SocietyChapter 4 Language: Is It Always Spoken?Babies learn to communicate in different ways. For babies who arehearing-impaired, there are other ways to “speak.”Chapter 5 Loneliness: How Can We Overcome It?Everyone feels lonely sometimes. But for some people, lonelinesscan last a long time. This can be very dangerous to their health.Chapter 6 The Importance of GrandmothersGrandmothers are usually a very happy part of their grandchil-drens lives. They are also very important for other reasons, too.UNIT 3: Justice and CrimeChapter 7 Innocent Until Proven Guilty: The Criminal Court SystemThe American court system protects the rights of the people. Howdoes the American court system work?Chapter 8 The Reliability of EyewitnessesAn eyewitness to a crime can be very important in solving thatcrime. But sometimes even an eyewitness can make a mistake.Chapter 9 Solving Crime with Modern TechnologyToday, there are many improvements in crime technology. Thismodern technology helps solve crimes faster and better.UNIT 4: Science and HistoryChapter 10 Ancient Artifacts and Ancient AirArcheologists make important discoveries about people who liveda long time ago. This knowledge of the past can help us in thefuture.Chapter 11 How Lunar Eclipses Have Changed HistoryPeople did not always understand how lunar eclipses happen.Because of this, superstitions about lunar eclipses had some impor-tant effects on history.Chapter 12 Mars: Our Neighbor in SpaceThere are some surprising similarities between the Earth and Mars.Future missions to Mars may help us answer some interestingquestions about our own planet, too.Word List