出版时间:2010-1 出版社:牛白琳 高等教育出版社 (2010-01出版) 作者:牛白琳 编 页数:179
《导游情景英语(第2版)》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,是新世纪高职高专旅 游服务类专业规划教材《导游情景英语》的修订版。 修订后的教材更着力于体现“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,同时兼顾 学生进一步拓展学习的需要。该书以导游的工作情景为主线,内容包括游客 接待、饭店安排、景点旅游、交通、服务、购物、娱乐活动、投诉和旅游业 务写作,同时在每个情景里辅以必要的话题词库和句型,以使学生在了解相 关句型和单词的基础上,进一步练习和实践。书后配有MP3光盘,可以帮助 学生进行听、说能力训练。 本书可作为高等职业院校、高等专科学校、成人高等教育、五年制高职 院校旅游或相关专业培养高等应用性、技能型人才的教学用书,也可作为社 会从业人士的业务参考书或培训用书。
Chapter One Receiving a Tour GroupPart 1 Spotting a Tour Group /lPart 2 On the Way /5Part 3 Checking in at a Hotel /9Chapter Two Dining in ChinaPart 1 Showing Guests to a Table /15Part 2 At the Chinese Restaurant /20Part 3 At the Western Restaurant /26Chapter Three SightseeingPart 1 Discussing Itinerary /33Part 2 City Tour /41Part 3 Tour of Cultural Relics and Religious Sites /47Part 4 Tour of Natural Scenic Wonders /54Chapter Four TrafficPart 1 Booking Tickets /62Part 2 Taking a Train /66Part 3 Taking a Plane /71Chapter Five ServicesPart 1 Health Care Service /77Part 2 Post and Telephone /81Part 3 Exchanging Foreign Currencies /85Part 4 Property Safety /88Chapter Six EntertainmentPart 1 At the Health Center /94Part 2 At the Theater /98Chapter Seven ShoppingPart 1 At the Department Store /103Part 2 At the Handicrafts Store /108Part 3 At the Antique Shop /113Chapter Eight Settling the Tourist's ComplaintsPart 1 At the Restaurant /117Part 2 At the Hotel /120Chapter Nine DeparturePart 1 Checking Out /125Part 2 Seeing off /129Part 3 Checking in at the Airport /134Chapter Ten Tourism WritingPart 1 Business Letter for Travel /138Part 2 Circular and Memos /142Part 3 Contracts /146Appendix1. Traditional Festivals in China /1532. Auspicious Designs of China /1563. Introduction of Scenic Spot /1584. Travel Forms /164参考文献
插图:When everybody is on the bus, as the tour guide, you shall double-check with the tour escortor national guide to see if everyone is aboard. Then, deliver a welcome speech to all the passen-gers, including greetings, self-introduction, the driver and the route. You should always welcomethe guests to your city and ask them for any questions. Express your willingness to serve themsincerely and honestly, and wish them a pleasant journey and an enjoyable stay in your city.On the way from the airport or railway station to the hotel you should introduce the mainbuildings attractions and scenes along the way. The explanation can also be interspersed withcomments on the local history, geography, population, areas, climate, culture, customs, cui-sine, specialties and so on. When approaching the hotel, you should mention the name of the ho-tel, class, location and any other distinctive features. As the bus travels at a fairly rapid speed,with some of the tourist attractions flashing by, the explanation shall be brief and concise. Ofcourse, you should get yourself well prepared for answering any questions that the tourists mayask.When addressing a speech to the group, in fact, during the whole guiding service, try tolook happy and pleasant. Always be as polite and charming as you can. Please always bear inmind that the first impression is the most important.