
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:路东平 等 著  页数:213  


  《大学英语阅读教程》是专门为非英语专业的大学生编写的,可用作大学英语课程的补充阅读教材,全书共四册。  《大学英语阅读教程》编写独特,主要特点为:  1.教材设计针对阅读过程。《大学英语阅读教程2》注意培养学生的阅读技巧和能力,专注于在阅读过程中激发学生的动机,培养兴趣;  2.教材强调快乐阅读的理念。因此,从文章的篇章安排,文章长短度,教学建议等各方面都作了较好处理;  3.阶梯式训练阅读技巧。《大学英语阅读教程2》的阅读技巧部分由6个单元组成,分别介绍了6种阅读技巧,通过大量的由易到难的阶梯式操练,帮助学生理解并掌握所涉及的具体阅读技巧;  4.培养学生的思维能力。阅读过程即是思考过程,为了提高理解能力,学生要逐步学会用英语思考,《大学英语阅读教程2》通过系列练习,培养学生理解英语句子的能力,帮助学生了解英语思维的逻辑性、连贯性和一致性;  5.本教材还重视学生间的互动,通过一对一活动或小组讨论,进一步加强学生对生阅读和思维过程的认识。在互动交流中,学生能更加准确地形成和表达思想并且获得对一篇课文进行讨论和思考的新方法。同时,鼓励学生写作,分享彼此的读写成果,认识阅读与写作之间的密切关系。


  《大学英语阅读教程2》编写独特,主要特点为:  1.教材设计针对阅读过程。《大学英语阅读教程2》注意培养学生的阅读技巧和能力,专注于在阅读过程中激发学生的动机,培养兴趣;  2.教材强调快乐阅读的理念。因此,从文章的篇章安排,文章长短度,教学建议等各方面都作了较好处理;  3.阶梯式训练阅读技巧。《大学英语阅读教程2》的阅读技巧部分由6个单元组成,分别介绍了6种阅读技巧,通过大量的由易到难的阶梯式操练,帮助学生理解并掌握所涉及的具体阅读技巧;  4.培养学生的思维能力。阅读过程即是思考过程,为了提高理解能力,学生要逐步学会用英语思考,《大学英语阅读教程2》通过系列练习,培养学生理解英语句子的能力,帮助学生了解英语思维的逻辑性、连贯性和一致性;  5.本教材还重视学生间的互动,通过一对一活动或小组讨论,进一步加强学生对生阅读和思维过程的认识。在互动交流中,学生能更加准确地形成和表达思想并且获得对一篇课文进行讨论和思考的新方法。同时,鼓励学生写作,分享彼此的读写成果,认识阅读与写作之间的密切关系。


Reading for pleasureComprehension skillsUnit I Previewing and Making PredictionsUnit 2 ScanningUnit 3 Making InferencesUnit 4 Building a Powerful VocabularyUnit 5 Learning to Look for the TopicUnit 6 Understanding ParagraphsUnit 7 Finding the Pattern of OrganizationUnit 8 SkimmingThinking skillsReading fasterUnit 1 Two Popular AuthorsUnit 2 New Technology and Its Impact Around the WorldUnit 3 People Who Have Made a DifferenceGlossary


  In a short time, the sun was hidden by the ash and smoke from themountain. It was as dark as night in Pompeii. Ash and rocks began to fall fromthe sky. Some of the rocks were very small, but some were the size of tennisballs. People ran screaming through the streets. In the marketplace, bakersforgot about their bread. Farmers forgot about their vegetables. Even thegladiators in the stadium dropped their weapons and ran.  Everyone was terrified. Rich people ran to get their jewelry and gold.Religious people called to the gods for help. As the people ran, hot ash fell onthem. It stuck in peoples throats and got in their eyes. Their clothes were sooncovered with ash. The rocks fell on their heads. Some people tied cushions totheir heads to protect themselves.  The air became so thick with ash and smoke that people couldnt breathe.The ash soon filled the streets and piled up on roofs. The weight of the ashand rocks caused houses to fall in. The town was quickly disappearing under ablanket of gray ash. Some people ran to the seaside and tried to get into boats.The sea was wild. Huge waves crashed onto the beach. Still, some familieswere able to escape that way. Other people ran into the countryside, awayfrom the mountain.  In the end, most of the people about 20,000 got away from Pompeiiin time. But about 2,000 people didnt get away. They were buried under theashes. In less than two days, the whole ci~ was buried under about 15-25 feet(4.5-6 meters) of ashes. Then it rained, and the ashes became hard as rock.  Across the bay from Pompeii was another small city. The people who livedthere saw everything. They saw the mountain explode and a black cloud coverPompeii. They saw people trying to escape by water or by land. They talkedto the people who arrived by boat. A boy named Pliny was there. He watchedand listened to everything. When he grew up, he became a writer and hewrote about what happened to Pompeii.  Many years later, new houses were built on top of the old ones in Pompeii.People forgot what had happened to the old Roman city. For the next 1,800years, it lay underground. Then, in the 19th century, scientists discoveredsome of Plinys writing. They read his story about Pompeii and they wonderedwhere it was. One day, some workers were digging a tunnel for water. They found pieces of an old wall underground. Some years later, other people found more walls and buildings. Then they found a stone with writing on it. On the stone was the name of the city-Pompeii.



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