出版时间:2010-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:高职高专英语专业系列教材编写组 编 页数:186
近些年来,我国高职高专教育的改革和发展取得了长足的进步,无论是学校数量,还是在校学生人数都占到高校总数和学生人数的一半以上。高职高专英语专业学校的数量和学生人数也增长很快。为了满足新形势对高职高专英语专业教育和人才培养的要求,我们编写了“高职高专英语专业立体化系列教材”《英语》,该套教材被列为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。 本套教材力图体现我国高职高专英语专业教学实践的特点,遵循高职高专教育“实用为主、够用为度”的总体指导方针,充分反映中国学生学习英语的规律和要求,并体现我国英语教学研究的新成果、新思想和新理念。教材的设计充分考虑高职高专英语专业的课程设置、课时、教学要求与高职高专英语专业人材培养的要求与目标,力图处理好打好英语语言基础与培养英语语言应用能力的关系,强调英语语言基本技能的训练与培养实际使用英语从事涉外交际活动的语言应用能力并重。 《英语综合教程》为这套立体化系列教材的主干教材之一,包括基础阶段3册和专业阶段1册。 本书为《英语综合教程》第四册,属专业阶段教材,供二年级第二学期使用。本书由商业道德、创新能力与市场拓展、商务谈判、人力资源管理等8个单元组成,每单元分为两部分,即课文A部分和课文B部分。每单元都通过课前阅读的Pairwork,启发引导学生去思考、研习将要学习的内容,为开展教学做好铺垫;通过First Reading,引导学生掌握文章的重点、难点,全面理解中英商务文化的异同。课文A部分包括阅读理解练习、口语练习、词汇与结构、翻译、写作与听写练习等。课文B的First Reading部分旨在引导学生形成课前自主学习、独立思考的能力,课后有提问、词汇拓展等基于课文B内容的练习。每单元的具体练习数量可视具体情况由教师在课堂上讲解或要求学生课下完成。每单元后的Time for Fun部分选配了一些短小精悍的幽默、名言或诗歌,培养学生学习、体味与欣赏英语和英美文化的能力。我们相信这样的安排会给教学提供一定的灵活性,便于组织教学。 本教材配有教师用书,并配有录音磁带。 《英语综合教程》总主编为上海交通大学陈永捷教授和周国强教授。 《英语综合教程4》由浙江嘉兴职业技术学院孟建国担任主编,副主编为魏耀川、李荣庆、李全福和邓仕伦。王星远、朱建、柴畅、顾晓栋、林丹燕等参加编写。 上海交通大学陈永捷教授审阅了全稿并提出了宝贵的修改意见,西安外国语大学李本现教授、上海师范大学李照国教授、复旦大学康志峰教授在编写过程中给予编者很大帮助,编者在此表示衷心感谢。
Unit 1 Business EthicsText A Ethics in the WorkplaceText B Developing an Ethical CultureTime For FunUnit 2 Innovation and MarketText A Compete Through InnovationText B Market ResearchTime For FunUnit 3 Business NegotiationText A Negotiation: Solving ProblemsText B Negotiation TacticsTime For FunUnit 4 Human Resources ManagementText A Human Resources ManagementText B HR Is a CallingTime For FunUnit 5 Managing ActivitiesText A Managing People or Managing ActivitiesText B The Functions of ManagementTime For FunUnit 6 The Trust FactorText A Cultivating the Trust Factor in BusinessText B When Does One Good DeedDeserve Another?Time For FunUnit 7 Behavioral DifferentiationText A Differentiating Yourself Through BehaviorText B Creating Differentiated Goods andServices Customers WantTime For FunUnit 8 Project ManagementText A Project ManagementText B The Project Management TriangleTime For FunVocabularyPhrases
Now its in each partys best interests to negotiate a win-win-win-win solution.The four winners are your customer and his or her cornpany,and you and your company.With two willing parties there is always away.in spite of initial barriers and disagreements.Details can be worked out when both parties are motivated to do SO.If not,details can easily undermine a possible solution.Its not a good deal.f one of the four wins is missing or compromised.The idea is to reach mutually beneficial agreements that resolve inconveniences or dissatisfaction and solidify long-term relationships. Trust plays a major role in successful negotiation.Although there is no guarantee that trust will lead to collaboration,mistrust will inhibit collaboration.When people trust one another,they are more likely to communicate openly and honestly.In contrast,if people do not trust you they are more likely to withdraw and be less cooperative.Acting in a trusting manner throughout the relationship serves as an invitation to others to be trustworthy.especially if your trusting manner is consistent.Each negotiator must believe that both parties choose to behave in a cooperative manner.Trust is not a one-time,singular event.It is established over time by demonstrating professionalism,honesty,integrity, consistency,and cooperation and by following through on promises and commitments.Cooperative behavior is a signal of honesty,openness, and a shared commitment to aioint solution.Take advantage of the trustengineered throughout the first seven steps of the model.Remember, people iudge US by our actions,not by our intentions. Approaches to negotiation tend to reflect personal expenences,biases,and perceptions of the individuals involved.They are often reflect- ed in one of two ways:flight or fight.People who take the flight approach are uncomfortable with conflict and try to avoid possible rejection,frustration,and anger associated with negotiation.