
出版时间:2009-12  出版社:高等教育  作者:(美)弗莱格//阿特利  页数:756  字数:700000  


This introduction to software engineering and practice addresses both procedural and object-oriented development. The book applies concepts consistently to two common examples -- a typical information system and a real-time system. It combines theory with real, practical applications by providing an abundance of case studies and examples from the current literature. This revision has been thoroughly updated to reflect significant changes in software engineering, including modeling and agile methods.


作者:(美国)弗莱格 (美国)阿特利


PrefaceAbout the Authors1 Why Software Engineering?    1.1  What Is Software Engineering?    1.2  How Successful Have We Been?    1.3  What Is Good Software?    1.4  Who Does Software Engineering?    1.5  A Systems Approach    1.6  An Engineering Approach    1.7  Members of the Development Team    1.8  How Has Software Engineering Changed?    1.9  Information Systems Example    1.10 Real-Tune Example    1.11 What This Chapter Means for You    1.12 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    1.13 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    1.14 Term Project    1.15 Key References    1.16 Exercises2  Modeling the Process and Life Cycle    2.1  The Meaning of Process    2.2  Software Process Models    2.3  Tools and Techniques for Process Modeling    2.4  Practical Process Modeling    2.5  Information Systems Example    2.6  Real-Time Example    2.7  What This Chapter Means for You    2.8  What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    2.9  What This Chapter Means for Researchers    2.10 Term Project    2.11 Key References    2.12 Exercises3  Planning and Managing the Project    3.1  Tracking Progress    3.2  Project Personnel    3.3  Effort Estimation    3.4  Risk Management    3.5  The Project Plan    3.6  Process Models and Project Management    3.7  Information Systems Example    3.8  Real-Time Example    3.9  What This Chapter Means for You    3.10 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    3.11 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    3.12 Term Project    3.13 Key References    3.14 Exercises4  Capturing the Requirements    4.1  The Requirements Process    4.2  Requirements Elicitation    4.3  Types of Requirements    4.4  Characteristics of Requirements    4.5  Modeling Notations    4.6  Requirements and Specification Languages    4.7  Prototyping Requirements    4.8  Requirements Documentation    4.9  Validation and Verification    4.10 Measuring Requirements    4.11 Choosing a Specification Technique    4.12 Information Systems Example    4.13 Real-Time Example    4.14 What This Chapter Means for You    4.15 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    4.16 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    4.17 Term Project    4.18 Key References    4.19 Exercises5  Designing the Architecture    5.1  The Design Process    5.2  Modeling Architectures    5.3  Decomposition and Views    5.4  Architectural Styles and Strategies    5.5  Achieving Quality Attributes    5.6  Collaborative Design    5.7  Architecture Evaluation and Refinement    5.8  Documenting Software Architectures    5.9  Architecture Design Review    5.10 Software Product Lines    5.11 Information Systems Example    5.12 Real-Time Example    5.13 What This Chapter Means for You    5.14 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    5.15 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    5.16 Term Project    5.17 Key References    5.18 Exercises6  Designing the Modules    6.1  Design Methodology    6.2  Design Principles    6.3  OO Design    6.4  Representing OO Designs in the UML    6.5  OO Design Patterns    6.6  Other Design Considerations    6.7  OO Measurement    6.8  Design Documentation    6.9  Information Systems Example    6.10 Real-Time Example    6.11 What This Chapter Means for You    6.12 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    6.13 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    6.14 Term Project    6.15 Key References    6.16 Exercises7  Writing the Programs    7.1  Programming Standards and Procedures    7.2  Programming Guidelines    7.3  Documentation    7.4  The Programming Process    7.5  Information Systems Example    7.6  Real-Time Example    7.7  What This Chapter Means for You    7.8  What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    7.9  What This Chapter Means for Researchers    7.10 Term Project    7.11 Key References    7.12 Exercises8  Testing the Programs    8.1  Software Faults and Failures    8.2  Testing Issues    8.3  Unit Testing    8.4  Integration Testing    8.5  Testing Object-Oriented Systems    8.6  Test Planning    8.7  Automated Testing Tools    8.8  When to Stop Testing    8.9  Information Systems Example    8.10 Real-Time Example    8.11 What This Chapter Means for You    8.12 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    8.13 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    8.14 Term Project    8.15 Key References    8.16 Exercises9  Testing the System    9.1  Principles of System Testing    9.2  Function Testing    9.3  Performance Testing    9.4  Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability    9.5  Acceptance Testing    9.6  Installation Testing    9.7  Automated System Testing    9.8  Test Documentation    9.9  Testing Safety-Critical Systems    9.10 Information Systems Example    9.11 Real-Time Example    9.12 What This Chapter Means for You    9.13 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    9.14 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    9.15 Term Project    9.16 Key References    9.17 Exercises10  Delivering the System    10.1  Training    10.2  Documentation    10.3  Information Systems Example    10.4  Real-Time Example    10.5  What This Chapter Means for You    10.6  What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    10.7  What This Chapter Means for Researchers    10.8  Term Project    10.9  Key References    10.10 Exercises11  Maintaining the System    11.1  The Changing System    11.2  The Nature of Maintenance    11.3  Maintenance Problems    11.4  Measuring Maintenance Characteristics    11.5  Maintenance Techniques and Tools    11.6  Software Rejuvenation    11.7  Information Systems Example    11.8  Real-Time Example    11.9  What This Chapter Means for You    11.10 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    11.11 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    11.12 Term Project    11.13 Key References    11.14 Exercises12  Evaluating Products, Processes, and Resources    12.1  Approaches to Evaluation    12.2  Selecting an Evaluation Technique    12.3  Assessment vs. Prediction    12.4  Evaluating Products    12.5  Evaluating Processes    12.6  Evaluating Resources    12.7  Information Systems Example    12.8  Real-Time Example    12.9  What This Chapter Means for You    12.10 What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    12.11 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    12.12 Term Project    12.13 Key References    12.14 Exercises13  Improving Predictions, Products, Processes, and Resources    13.1  Improving Predictions    13.2  Improving Products    13.3  Improving Processes    13.4  Improving Resources    13.5  General Improvement Guidelines    13.6  Information Systems Example    13.7  Real-Time Example    13.8  What This Chapter Means for You    13.9  What This Chapter Means for Your Development Team    13.10 What This Chapter Means for Researchers    13.11 Term Project    13.12 Key References    13.13 Exercises14  The Future of Software Engineering    14.1  How Have We Done?    14.2  Technology Transfer    14.3  Decision-Making in Software Engineering    14.4  The Professionalization of Software Engineering: Licensing, Certification, and Ethics    14.5  Term Project    14.6  Key References    14.7  ExercisesAnnotated BibliographyIndex




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