
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:丘成桐 编  页数:136  




“丘成桐中学数学奖”由国际著名华人数学家丘成桐教授与泰康人寿保险股份有限公司联合设立。该奖项旨在激发和提升全球华人中学生对于数学研究的兴趣和创新能力,发现和培养有前途的年轻数学天才,增进海内外华人中学生的相互了解与友谊。第一届“丘成桐中学数学奖”颁奖仪式于2008年10月24日在北京举行,本书收录了获得金奖、银奖、铜奖的优秀论文,由高等教育出版社和波士顿国际出版社在全球范围内发行。    本书可供丘成桐中学数学奖参赛学生和指导教师参考,也可供其他热爱数学的中学生阅读。


丛书序我与数学的缘分(代序)丘成桐中学数学奖手册Guideline of Shing-Tung Yau High School Mathematics AwardsGold Award  A Research on the Minimum Prime Quadratic Residue Modulo a PrimeSilver Award  Invertibility Probability of Binary MatricesBronze Award  Optimized Methods of the Equalized Sprinkling Irrigation for Greenery Patches  Modeling and Planning of Snow Sweeping on Main Roads  Some Arithmetic Properties about the Factor of the Solution to Pell Equation and Its Applications in Diophantine Equations


插图:Mind on mathematics is a theoretical foundation, based on which real problems can be solved. Undoubtedly only with good model building, analyzing and calculating, can various optimizing problems be worked out. As high school students, due to our limited mathematical knowledge, the methods we take to solve problems are not very far beyond the textbook. So we focused on a problem close to daily life as well as one we can more or less solve on our own. Our inspiration came from the small lawn near our classroom in the junior school.  Every time the spouts did the irrigation, there was a great amount of water spilled on the hallway, and even sometimes the water would went through the open windows into the classroom, which caused many inconveniences as well as much waste. In today's world where drinking water is badly in need, it is, with no doubt, very meaningful to maximally equalize the amount of water a certain area gets in order to decrease the amount of water wasted. Through the information we got, we found that there were three factors on which sprinkling irrigation mainly depends: intensity, equilibrium and diameter of water drops. We began to develop interests in the equilibrium factor and decided to make an optimized proposal by a series of mathematical methods. Thereupon this paper primarily focuses on the degree of homogeneity in the sprinkling irrigation.






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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   论文是全英文的
  •   全是英文,要慢慢阅读,对英语的提高很有好处。还有里面题目提得很好,解决也不错。
  •   为什么是英文的??
  •   因为是帮朋友订购的,当时不知道全是英文,货到后才看到,他没有办法看,所以只能退货了。但是发货速度还是很快,满意吧。
  •   本书全都是英语,本人水平不够,不能看懂,所以要买此书的人,不但要有一定的数学基础,还要有一定的英语水平!

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