
出版时间:2001-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:舒白梅 编  页数:337  




AnimalsState of MindMan and NatureHeroesCommunicative Language TeachingOld AgeThe Importance of AttitudeOn BiographyMedia and YouthSearch for IdentityDisastersThe WonderlandsPeople and PlacesThat's LifeSchool ReportGood and Bad


  "Hi, granny," she said, placing herhamper of brioche, prosciutto and a very pleasant pinnt chardonnay on the table. "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm late but my moped had a fiat and 1 had to hitch up here. I got a ride from this really fine guy who is, you know, sort of a manager for that band Amino and the Acids. Well, he isn't really their manager, but he does know the cousin of their Coke supplier so he's, you know, almost their manager. Say, granny, I don't want to be personal, but has anyone ever told you what a big nose you have? I mean, I realise, it's chic to be ethnic, but have you ever thought about some reconstructive surgery?" "All the better to smell you with!" "Hmm? Oh yeah, the perfume~do you like it? It's called Ms.Sexpot. It's for women ambivalent about their roles in society. I think they make it from the scent glands of Himalayan yetis. You know something else, granny? You have really big ears. I think we'd need a jackhammer to pierce your lobes. Did I tell you that Tom decided that pierced ears were really pass6 so instead he embedded his face in epoxy. Yes, he did. Now he's got this great big terminal smile and he says the stuffhas done wonders for his complexion." "All the better to hear you with!" "Granny, I hate to turn this into some sort of encounter session,but may I say what big teeth you have? Especially those pointed ones in front. Have you thought of having them capped? I think it would give your face a whole new appeal...." Here the wolf threw back the bed covers and ripped off his nightgown, growling, "All the better to eat you up with!" Little Red Riding Hood looked at him curiously and said, "You realise that's pretty aberrant behaviour. If you are not careful, you're going tbe selected against."   ……




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