
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《实用英语》教材编写组 编  页数:228  


  《实用英语》是一套供高职高专院校使用的系列教材。自1995年正式出版以来,它所坚持的内容实用性、教学的针对性和编写的科学性受到了使用者的欢迎,它是国内最早专为高职高专英语教学编写的教材之一。自第一版以来,它曾前后被列为“面向21世纪课程教材”、“教育部高职高专规划教材”、“普通高等教育‘九五’教育部重点教材”,并获得全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖,第四版被列为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”。  本教材在编写过程中注意吸收现代外语教学理论中适合我国英语教学实际的某些观点,又采纳传统外语教学理论中某些合理部分,结合我国外语教学中行之有效的理论和方法以及我国高职高专英语教学的现状,力求正确处理好打好语言基础和语言应用的关系,突出加强英语实践能力的培养和实际运用,并注意结合学生毕业后实际工作的需要,将语言基础能力与实际涉外交际能力的培育有机结合。  《实用英语》(第四版)系列教材紧扣当前高职高专人才培养的总体目标和高职高专英语教学改革的发展方向,修订了原第三版的《综合教程》1-3、《教师参考书》1-3、《综合训练与自测》1-3和《泛读教程》1-3。修订后的《综合训练与自测》保留了部分《综合训练与自测》(第三版)的内容,合编了《泛读教程》(第三版)的部分内容,并加编了相关练习和答案。《实用英语综合教程4》、《实用英语教师参考书4》、《实用英语综合训练与自测4》和《实用英语泛读教程4》未作修订,供广大高职院校师生继续使用。


  《实用英语》系列教材是教育部规划的高职高专公共英语教材。本套教材1995年正式出版发行,先后进行了两次修订。为了更加有利于学生英语应用能力的培养,结合《实用英语》的教学使用反馈情况,编写组紧扣当前高职高专人才培养的总体目标和高职高专英语教学改革的发展方向,对《实用英语》进行了第三次修订。  与第三版相比,《实用英语综合教程2》(第四版)对课文练习和技能训练部分的项目作了部分调整,并调换了部分单元的课文。《实用英语综合教程2(第4版)》第二版曾获2002年全国高等学校优秀教材一等奖,第四版为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。  《实用英语综合教程2(第4版)》附有MP3录音光盘和多媒体学习课件


UNIT 1 News MediaText A: Whats NewText B: Will Daily Newspapers Disappear?Skills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Flash Reading——PhraseTranslation Practice ——省略译Guided WritingListening and SpeakingUNIT 2 Suveys and AdvrtisingText A: Surveys, Surveys and More SurveysText B: AdvertisingSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Logical ConnectionTranslation Practice ——正反译Guided Writing —— General SentenceListening and SpeakingUNIT 3 Public RelationsText A: Public RelationsText B: The InterviewSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Logical ConnectionTranslation Practice ——反正译Guided Writing —— General SentenceListening and SpeakingUNIT 4 CultureText A: What Is Culture?Text B: Food and CultureSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Main IdeaTranslation Practice ——定语从句的翻译Guided Writing —— Specific SentenceListening and SpeakingUNIT 5 College EducationText A: My Advice to Students: Get a Sound, Broad EducationText B: How Does Education Promote Success?Skills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Main IdeaTranslation Practice ——定语从句的翻译Guided Writing —— Specific SentenceListening and SpeakingUNIT 6 Onlinr LearningText A: Finding a Right Online Degree ProgramText B: Does IT Help Us Learn More?Skills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Specific InformationTranslation Practice ——定语从句的翻译Guided Writing —— Business LetterListening and SpeakingUNIT 7 AnimalsText A: Do Animals Have a Culture?Text B: Do Dogs Have Emotions?Skills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Specific InformationTranslation Practice ——被动语态的译法Guided Writing —— Business LetterListening and SpeakingUNIT 8 Everyday Life 8Text A: A Friend on the LineText B: Sorry Sir, Sorry, SorrySkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— SkimmingTranslation Practice ——被动语态的译法Guided Writing —— Business LetterListening and SpeakingGlossaryphrases and Expressions


  In the near future, the smart survivors willset up newsrooms around local news. They willdeliver that news to your computer, or to yourphone, or whatever tool you prefer. The goodnewsroom will prepare in-depth reports if youwant to find more information about the subject.  As a subscriber, you will be able to customize your areas of interest. I amalready doing that with the sidebar on my computers, which provide a regularnews feed related to my favorite topics. But I also want to know what else isgoing on. For example, BJs is closing here in Greenville (today). That wasnews I could use. The newsroom will get that information for us. I will happilypay a subscription rate to get that information, because I do not have time togather it myself. Even though I myself have a huge network, I cannot be ontop of everything all the time. A good newsroom would do the work for me.  Now, the question is what about advertising. Newspapers make theirmoney from ads, not subscribers. In this case, will people prefer to pay moreto get local news or will they subject themselves to ads? I think the answercan be found with Google. Google provides information we are looking for,but delivers it free because advertisers can target the search "readers".Newsrooms could do the same. Rather than mass advertising, advertiserscould target their ads to readers of certain news reports, or certain types ofsubscribers. As long as I was not bombarded, and it was done tastefully, Iwould not mind. In fact, I would appreciate it, because I might find a productor service that I would like to explore further.  In conclusion, print newspapers will soon disappear. They will be replacedby local newsrooms that have reporters "on the ground" collecting use-ful news and quickly distributing that information. It will be paid for throughtargeted advertisers who "sponsor" the ads delivery to you. It will be donerespectfully and professionally. It will be a pleasant experience for you, thereporter and the advertiser.


  权威性:本套教材由教育部规划并推荐使用。编者与审者均是国内知名专家、教授及多年从事英语教学的优秀教师。  先进性:本套教材积极吸收了国内外最新外语教学研究成果及教材编写理论。创造了专科层次英语教学的崭新体系。  实用性:本套教材体现了提高学生语言应用能力的宗旨,更密切结合了学生毕业后实际工作的需要。  通用性:本套教材在选材和练习设计上,注意了文、理、工各科知识的相互渗透,兼顾了各专业的需要。  曾获全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖




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  •   老毛常说:努力学习,天天向上!~
  •   正版的 不错正版的 不错
  •   专插本的教材。

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