
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:杨金才,马慧琴 编  页数:300  


  《英国社会与文化》的特色:选材多样,囊括了英国社会与文化的各方面,信息量大。  每章配有思考题,供学生进行自主学习。  增设配套补充阅读,内容丰富,适合研究性教学。  配有学习光盘,供教师和学生选择使用。


Chapter One  British Origin and Geographic viewChapter Two  People and HistoryChapter Three  Literature and ArtsChapter Four  Government and Political PartiesChapter Five  Industry and EconomyChapter Six  Legal SystemChapter Seven  Foreign PolicyChapter Eight  Environment and TourismChapter Nine  Social Security and Health CareChapter Ten  Education and EmploymentChapter Eleven  Religion and Change in TraditionalValueChapter Twelve  Mass Media and Popular CultureChapter Thirteen  Sports and EntertainmentsChapter Fourteen  Women, Marriage and FamilyViolenceChapter Fifteen  Multi-culture and National IdentityChapter Sixteen  The Fall of the British EmpireChapter Seventeen  Commonwealth of NationsReferencesAppendixesI.  Selected Documents for Discussion and Research1.  Magna Carta2.  The Stamp Act3.  The Townshend Act4.  The Reform Act of 18325.  Act of Settlement, 17016.  House of LordsAct, 19997.  Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change8.  English Bill of Rights, 16899.  The Factory Act, 183310.  Human Rights Act, 199811.  The Paris Peace Treaty of 178312.  The Versailles Treaty13.  Sino-BritishJoint Declaration14.  Ireland Act, 194915.  The Beveridge Report, 194216.  National Health Service (Primary Care) Act, 199717.  Immigration Act, 197118.  British Nationality Act, 194819.  Harare Commonwealth Declaration, 199120.  The Statute of Westminster, 1931II.  A Glossary of HistoryIII.  A--Z British English to American English




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