
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:北京英语水平考试领导小组 组编  页数:330  字数:633000  


  北京英语水平考试(Beijing English Testing System,简称BETS)由北京市民讲外语活动组委会、北京市人民政府外事办公室与剑桥大学外语考试部共同推出,由北京教育考试院承办。采用剑桥通用英语五级系列证书考试中的KET、PET、FCE三个级别,涉及阅读、写作、听力和口语四个方面,旨在全面考查考生综合运用语言的能力,通过BETS考试即可获得国际权威认可的剑桥通用英语系列考试证书。  北京英语水平考试系列用书包括《北京英语水平考试考试大纲》、 《北京英语水平考试标准教程》、 《北京英语水平考试全真模拟试题》、 《北京英语水平考试标准教程学习指导》和《北京英语水平考试同步训练》,改编自剑桥通用英语系列证书考试KET、PET、FCE的英文原版教材,由高等教育出版社独家引进出版。  《北京英语水平考试(第三级)标准教程新版》为北京英语水平考试系列丛书之一,由30个单元(unit)、15个考试活页夹(Exam folder)、15个写作活页夹(Writing folder)、5个复习课(Revision)以及语法综述(Grammar folder)、词汇表(Vocabulary’folder)、自学活页夹(Self-studyfolder)这3个附录组成。本书具有很强的针对性和实用性,是考生学习英语和复习备考的必备用书。通过学习本书,考生既可以提高英语水平,又可以了解并熟悉考试内容、考试形式、试题类型等。


《北京英语水平考试(第三级)标准教程新版》为北京英语水平考试系列丛书之一,由30个单元(Unit)、15个考试活页夹(Exam folder)、15个写作活页夹(Writing folder)、5个复习课(Revision)以及语法综述(Grammar folder)、词汇表(Vocabulary folder)、自学活页夹(Self-study folder)这3个附录组成。本书具有很强的针对性和实用性,是考生学习英语和复习备考的必备用书。通过学习本书,考生既可以提高英语水平,又可以了解并熟悉考试内容、考试形式、试题类型等。    在2008年全球FCE(BETS-3)考试改革的背景下,本书是在英国剑桥大学出版社最新出版的剑桥通用英语证书考试FCE原版考试用书Objective FCE Student's Book Second Edition的基础上,根据《北京英语考试第三级考试大纲新版》的要求改编而成的。    改编后,本书的特色主要体现在以下几个方面:    各单元以主题为线索,围绕应试技巧、语法与词汇展开了应用型的学习与训练活动。分别就听、说、读、写技能进行紧扣考试要求的分解练习,使考生能够学以致用。    书中词汇点滴、应试建议、语法拾零等小栏目,设计新颖灵活,趣味性与适用性紧密结合,起到了锦上添花的作用。    词汇表按单元和在该单元出现的顺序排列,以各单元的主题为中心,紧密关联,便于学生记忆、检索和掌握。


Content of the BETS-3 examinationUnit 1 Fashion matters  Exam folder 1Unit 2 The virtual world  Writing folder 1Unit 3 Going places  Exam folder 2Unit 4 Our four-legged friends  Writing folder 2Unit 5 Fear and loathing  Exam folder 3Unit 6 What if?  Writing folder 3Units 1-6 RevisionUnit 7 Life's too short   Exam folder 4Unit 8 Downshifting  Writing folder 4Unit 9 The hard sell  Exam folder 5Unit 10 The final frontier  Writing folder 5Unit 11 Like mother, like daughter  Exam folder 6Unit 12 A great idea  Writing folder 6Units 7-12 RevisionUnit 13 Education for life  Exam folder 7Unit 14 Career moves  Writing folder 7Unit 15 Too many people?  Exam folder 8Unit 16 Eat to live  Writing folder 8Unit 17 Collectors and creators  Exam folder 9Unit 18 What's in a book?  Writing folder 9Unit 13-18 RevisionUnit 19 An apple a day  Exam folder 10Unit 20 No place to hide  Writing folder 10Unit 21 To have and have not  Exam folder 11Unit 22 A little night music   Writing folder 11Unit 23 Unexpected events  Exam folder 12Unit 24 Priceless or worthless?  Writing folder 12……


  Speaker 2:  I left school and moved to a college to take my finalexams. It was the best decision I could have made.At the college nobody seemed to care abouthomework and this really motivated me. I had toplan my work myself——there was no one to makeyou do it and no one to check up on what youddone. I was still dependent on my parents formoney—— but that was OK. I learned a lot aboutreal life there—— things like getting on with peopleand organising your time —— which has been reallyuseful now Im working.  Speaker 3:  When I left school I didnt have a particular careerin mind so I decided to do Environmental Studiesat university, mainly because Id enjoyed geographyat school. I didnt really like the course at universityand I did think about leaving, but instead I changedcourses, which was easier than I expected. I thinkuniversity was useful in that I learnt how to livealone and how to budget, and as Im an underpaidteacher now, that really helps.  Speaker 4:  I had no difficulty choosing what I was going to do——my parents are both doctors and ever since I wassmall I also wanted to do that. They reallyencouraged me and I did well at school and gotinto a good medical school fairly easily. It wassurprisingly tough at medical school, but I hadsome good friends and we pulled through together.I think the doubts only began to set in when Igraduated and got my first job in a hospital. I beganto wonder if Id missed out because Id been sofocused on becoming a doctor. So now Im doingsome voluntary work in Africa which Im reallyenjoying.


  剑桥通用英语五级证书考试是在全球受到广泛认可的高质量的国际英语考试,考试合格者可获得终生有效的英语能力证书。该考试分为5个级别分别为Key English Test .Preliningng EnglishTest(PET).Filst Eeltificate in English(FEE).Certificate Advanced English(EAE)和Centitieate ofProfidency in English(EPE)。其中,KET、PET和FCE考试已经由教育部考试中心引入中国。  北京英语水平考试(Beijing English Testing System,简称BETS)由北京市民讲外语活动组委会、北京市人民政府外事办公室与剑桥大学外语考试部共同推出,由北京教育考试院承办。采用剑桥通用英语五级系列证书考试中的KET、PET、FCE三个级别,涉及阅读、写作、听力和口语四个方面,旨在全面考查考生综合运用语言的能力,通过BETS考试即可获得国际权威认可的剑桥通用英语系列考试证书。



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用户评论 (总计22条)


  •   这套教程不仅适用于FCE考试准备,也适用于中高级水平的英语学习爱好者使用。话题能跟上时代脚步,词汇难度更大了,很好!
  •   孩子学习FCE使用的
  •   孩子比较喜欢英文。买了后,每周有空拿来学习一下,对英语学习很有帮助。
  •   教程编写灵活,要点突出,图文并茂。
  •   这本书在一般书店买不到,在当当网买还打折,送书又及时。随书附有光盘一张,对自学者帮助很大。
  •   这本书不错,只是有些地方,字小了点。因为让孩子看,字大点吧。
  •   书特别好,内容也不错
  •   书到得真快,感觉质量挺好。
  •   书还是不错的,只是附带的光盘是折的
  •   内容和正版的一样,很实惠。
  •   全英文,内容比较难,还在学!
  •   孩子上课用,跟当当网上买教材最划算。
  •   挺不错的一本考前辅导书
  •   不错,很厚的一本,好多地方缺货
  •   不错, 正版
  •   货送得很快,当天下午定的第二天就送到了.
  •   考试用书,实用。
  •   东西不错,就是有点脏,因为是给学校学生代购,难免觉得不太好。里面很干净,质量很好。
  •   配套书,慢慢随书进度做吧。
  •   觉得不是正版 有点失望。。
  •   买来几天后,才翻开看了看, 想试试听力, 竟然发现光盘碎成5片.....因为收货时没有想到查看光盘,现在也不好说什么了.....
  •   就是一些课文。。没有任何归纳总结 。。还不如买个三级词汇看看呢

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