出版时间:2010-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:《地质英语》教材编写组 编 页数:223
Unit 1 GeologyPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Making InvitationsPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:GeologyPassage B:GeologistPart Ⅲ Translating:词义的选择与引申Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:Letters of InvitationUnit 2 The EarthPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Meeting PeoplePart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:The EarthPassage B:The Atmosphere,the Hydrosphereand the LihospherePart Ⅲ Translating:词类转换法(一)Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:AdvertisementUnit 3 EarthquakePart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Eating at a RestaurantPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:EarthquakesPassage B:TsunamiPart Ⅲ Translating:词类转换法(二)Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:SpeechUnit 4 Underground WaterPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Leisure ActivitiesPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:Underground WaterPassage B:GeyserPart Ⅲ Translating:增译法与减译法(一)Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:ResumeUnit 5 FossilPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Making an AppointmentPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:FossilsPassage B:Fossils in the RocksPart Ⅲ Translating:增译法与减译法(二)Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:A Company ProspectusUnit 6 PetroleumPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:SightseeingPart Ⅱ Reading:PassageA:OilPassage B:Li Si-guangPart Ⅲ Translating:定语从句的翻译(一)Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:Thank-you LettersUnit 7 Crustal MovementsPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Job InterviewPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:JointsPassage B:Movements of the Earths CrustPart Ⅲ Translating:定语从旬的翻译(二)Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:Cover LettersUnit 8 VolcanoPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Making ReservationsPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:VolcanoesPassage B:Volcanic Activity and MagmaPart Ⅲ Translating:被动语态的翻译Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:MemoUnit 9 MineralPart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Checkinp InPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:MineralsPassage B:Identification of MineralsPart Ⅲ Translating:“否定”的翻译Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:ContractUnit 10 Geologic TimePart Ⅰ Listening and Speaking:Shopping for GiftsPart Ⅱ Reading:Passage A:Geologic TimePassage B:The Geologic Time ScalePart Ⅲ Translating:长句的翻译Part Ⅳ Simulated Writing:Claim and Adjustment LetterKeysScriptTranslationsAppendix