
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《大学英语听力》项目组 编  页数:204  


  随着大学英语教学改革的不断深入,全国高校对大学英语听说能力的培养也更加重视。2007年颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》规定:“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。”大学英语教学越来越多地加大听说内容的教学,而这方面的大学英语听力教材仍然有待于进一步完善,以适合不同层次学生的英语听力训练。  《大学英语听力》根据《大学英语课程教学要求》编写,以大量的听力材料和多种听力测试题型加以结合,为学习者提供了多种多样,并且具有针对性的练习素材。该教材以英美文化背景为切入点,提供了不同语境下原汁原味的表达方式,使学习者接触到真实的语言环境,并训练学习者对文化背景、语境、语言材料的综合理解能力,特别是听力理解能力。学习者在提高听力水平的同时,能更加深入地了解西方的文化.从而使他们在真实的语言环境中既学到了语言知识,又学到了文化知识。  教材中的听力材料内容多由幽默故事、趣味故事、童话、寓言、轻松对话和短文等各种文.体组成。在主题化框架内展开听说训练。这些材料覆盖面广,涉及历史、文化、科普、名人传记和日常生活等诸多方面。贴近生活,不仅具有趣味性,而且注重知识性、可听性。丰富多彩的听说语料围绕主题反复强化语境,大大提高了语言点的再现率.无论是在素材的选择上,还是在练习的编排上,都体现了新的教学理念和教学模式。使学习者在轻松而真实的语言环境中达到学习训练的目的。  本套教材共四册,由全国十几所高校共同编写而成。  《大学英语听力》第一册共十个单元,供一个学期使用。每个单元由三个部分构成。每个部分有三篇短文或对话,其内容具有一定的相关性,因此,使学生有效地学习有关某个主题的词汇和表达方式。第一部分MainIdeasandImportaJntDetails,旨在培养学生把握所听文章的中心大意,捕捉相关细节的能力。




Unit1Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details 1Passage 1 Hammering a Nail on the Wall 1Passage 2 The Conversation After a Hotel Fire 2Passage 3 Coming Here tO Connect Your 2,elephone 4Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises sPassage 1 A Vc真7 Stupid Servant5Passage 2 Enjoying Classic Music 7Passage 3Sharing a TaxiSection Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 10Passage 1 Beautiful Cold Piece of Glass 10Passage 2 ThePassport Photo 11Passage 3 Enjoying the Picture on the Platform 13Unit 2SectionⅠ Main Ideas and Important Details 15Passage 1 Having a Holiday in Greece 1 5Passage 2 Visiting the State Prison at Sing Sing 16Passage 3 Looking for Somebody to write His Letter 18Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises 19Passage 1 Usage of English Language 19Passage 2 zalking with an Englishman in English 21Passage 3 Ways to Report Death 22Section Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 24Passage 1 Matching a Valuable Antique Vase 24Passage 2 The School Report of the Monthly Examinations 2YPassage 3 A Problem in ArithmetiC 27Unit 3Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details 29Passage 1 Who Can Answer the Phone? 29Passage 2 A Short Holiday 30Passage 3 Asking Permission to Hunt in a Farmers Yard 32Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises 33Dialogue 1 The Continental Breakfast 33Dialogue 2 Reserving a xable for Five 37Dialogue 3 A zable near the Dance Floor 36SectionⅢ Frurther Listening Exercises 37Passage 1 A Shoemaker Ticket 37Passage 2 Cleaning Shoes in the Street 39Passage 3 The Security for a Bank Loan 40Unit 4Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details 43Passage 1 Halfway Across the Atlantic 43Passage 2 A Ride in the Small Plane 44Passage 3 Draveling in a Small Plane 46Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises 47Passage 1 Have the Hair Cut on Your Own Time 47Passage 2 Going to the Barberb 49Passage 3 Having the Hair Cut 50Section Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 52Passage 1 A Specially Trained Parrbt 52Passage 2 A Penny-Pinching Farmer 54Passage 3 7he Seat for Proper Load Balance 55Unit 5Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details 59Passage 1 A Middle-aged Man with Two wives59Passage 2 AGirltOMarryaMan 61Passage 3 Searching for a Girl to Marry 62Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises 64Passage 1 A Way to Be Close、vidl a Gendeman 64Passage 2 The Guardian Angel 63Passage 3 A Lady Starting to Get Off 67Section Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 69Passage 1 Animals Doing a Number of Simple Jobs 69Passage 2 7he Earth and the Sun 70Passage 3 Giving Names to Children 72Unit 6Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details 75Passage 1 The Fights BetweenTwo Brothers 75Passage 2 An Act to Punish the Mother 76Passage 3 A Holiday from School 78Section Ⅱ Listening.Based L0ntegrated Exercises 79Passage 1 Where Is Jesus Today? 79Passage 2 Asking for the Position 81Passage 3 A Gardener Working for a School 82Section Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 84Passage 1 Becoming a Monk inThree Years 84Passage 2 The Dog and the Pickle 86Passage 3 The Fortune.Tellers Prediction 87Unit 7Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and bnmportant Details 89Passage 1 The Doormans Way to Handle Trouble 89Passage 2 This Hole in the Ground 90Passage 3 The Place to Take Her Pills 92Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises 93Passage 1 Women and Men 93Passage 2 Boys and Girls in America 95Passage 3 The American Swimming Star 96Section Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 98Passage 1 Becoming an Artist 98Passage 2 Why Do You Want to Become a Dustman? 99Passage 3 An Unforgettable Holiday Ride 101Unit 8Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details 103Passage 1Staying in the Cheapest Room at a Hotel 103Passage 2 Greeting to all Air Hostess 104Passage 3 A Big Dance at the Hotel 106Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises 107Passage 1 The Menus in a Restaurant 107Passage 2Show、You the Way 109Passage 3 Papng as Little as Possible 110Section Ⅲ Further Listening Exercises 112Passage 1 The Father and His Sons 112Passage 2 7he Two Astronauts 114Passage 3 A Wbrd、vjth Many Meanings 116Unit 9Section Ⅰ Main Ⅰdeas and Important Details 119Passage 1 Taking Care ofYoung Animals 119Passage 2 In the Zoo 120Passage 3 Catching a Mouse with the Mouse-Trap 122Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises 1 23Passage 1 The Mouse Family 123Passage 2 AFoxinaDeepWell 125Passage 3 The Hunters of the Insect World 126Section Ⅱ Further Listening Exercises 1 28Passage 1 An Antique Collectors Trick 128Passage 2 Two Lions in a Small Zoo 129Passage 3 An Old Farmer With a Horse 131Unit 10Section Ⅰ Main Ⅰdeas and Important Details 1 33Passage 1 A Nice Car 133Passage 2 The Bright Yellow Beta 400s in the Car-Park 134Passage 3 How About Getting in the Car 1 36Section Ⅱ Listening.Based Integrated Exercises 138Passage 1 A Beautiful Modem Bicycle for Sale 138Passage 2 A Pint of Beer in a Clean Glass 139Passage 3 An Urgent Letter 141SectionⅢ Further Listening Exercises 1 42Passage 1 American Ⅰndians in the New World 142Passage 2 The Cheater 144Passage 3 Celebrating Christmas 146Key to Exercises and Transcript 149


  One winter Mr.and Mrs.Robinson went to Encland,and they took John there.John was seven years old thell.0Re day it snowed.The boy went into the~arden.and he played in the snow.He said,“Snow iS very beautiful.but it isvery cold.”Then he said,“What is this?It is a big,round piece of glass.It is beautiful,but itiS very cold。too.”But it was not glass.It was ice.It was on a bucket of water.Johnsaid.“Who put this glass here?I am going to take it into the house.”He took theice to his father and said,“This is a beautiful piece of glass.but it is vcrV cold andWet.It WaS on a bucket ofwater in dle garden.”Mr.Robinson smiled and said.“Takeit to the ldtchen,put it in front of the Stove there,and dry it.”The boy took the iceto the kitchen and put it in front of the Stove。He dried his hands.because they werevery cold and wet,and then he went to dle ice again.Helooked at it.and then hetook it to his father again.He said,“Iput this glass in front of the Stove,but it doesnot get much drier.It becomes much wetter and smaller.”  Mr.Hill arrives at London Airport,at the end of a three-week holiday in France.Usually he wears a beard.Since it has been hot there,he has taken it off.But hispasspoft photo shows him with his beard.An looks at dle photo for a moment~and says:“Will you exclJse me?Please sit down.I shouldnt keep you long.”With this.he walks away.



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