
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:方健壮 等 著  页数:378  


  本阅读教材为全国小学教育专业(英语方向)的英语系列教材之一,专为该专业一、二年级本、专科生而编写,也可以作为英语专业学生和自学者的阅读教材。本教材分为上、下两册,每册24个单元,两册共计48个单元,可供三个学期使用。  本教材在编写过程中遵循生本主义理念,注重小学教育专业(英语方向)学生的阅读需求,满足本专业教师的教学需要。目的明确,重点突出,无论在编排体例和选文,还是语言难度和题材范围,或是练习设计和文化导入等方面都有大胆的创新,为使用者提供了充足而有特色、广泛而有针对性的英语阅读训练材料,也以其鲜明的特色为广大读者打开了提高文化素养、拓宽视野、了解世界的一扇窗口。  加强针对性。本教材按主题编写,兼顾阅读技巧。每个单元一长三短四篇文章均围绕一个主题展开,便于学生学习和教师的教学安排。课文与练习按照循序渐进、由简到难的原则编排,使学生逐步了解和掌握阅读技能。上册主要训练词、句子层面和简单的段落篇章层面的阅读技巧;下册重点在于篇章、段落和推理、理解等较高层面的阅读技巧。选文中约40%与教育领域有关,并特地设置了课堂教学设计、课后反思等模块,可以帮助小学教育专业(英语方向)学生在提高阅读技能的同时,熟悉有关教育体制、师生关系、学习技能、校园生活等知识与词汇,初步了解小学教育的特点以及小学生的语言认知发展和教育规律,并锻炼自己的教学能力。




Unit One PreparationUnit Two Study SkillsUnit Three Classroom Teaching (Ⅰ)Unit Four Internet (Ⅰ)Unit Five College LifeUnit Six Life StyleUnit Seven Australian CustomsUnit Eight Teacher and Student (Ⅰ)Unit Nine Education (Ⅰ)Unit Ten Language (Ⅰ)Unit Eleven EconomyUnit Twelve MarriageUnit Thirteen Environment (Ⅰ)Unit Fourteen FilmUnit Fifteen ScienceUnit Sixteen TeachingUnit Seventeen Famous Characters (Ⅰ)Unit Eighteen School LifeUnit Nineteen FashionUnit Twenty Teacher and Student (Ⅱ)Unit Twenty-one BeautyUnit Twenty-two Science and TechnologyUnit Twenty-three LifeUnit Twenty-four Child Education (Ⅰ)References


  Efficient reading requires the use of various problem-solving skills.For example, it is impossible for you to know the exact meaning of everyword you read, but by developing your guessing ability, you will be ableto understand enough to arrive at the total meaning of a sentence, a para-graph, or an essay.  Using Context Clues  1. Use the meanings of other words in the sentence or paragraph andthe meaning of the sentence as a whole to reduce the number of possiblemeanings.  2. Use grammar and punctuation clues which point to the relation-ships among the various parts of the sentence.  3. Use your general or common knowledge of the world.  4. Be satisfied with a general idea about the unfamiliar word; theexact definition or synonym is not always necessary.  5. Learn to recognize situations in which it is not necessary to knowthe meanings of the word.  Stems and Affixes (Word Analysis)  Another way is word analysis, that is, looking at the meaning ofparts of words. Many English words have been formed by combiningparts of older English, Greek, and Latin words. If you know the meaningof some of these word parts, you can often guess the meaning of an unfa-miliar English word.



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