出版时间:2008-11 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:郭明惠 等 著 页数:251
随着我国现代化建设和改革开放的纵深发展,对既懂专业又熟练掌握外语的优秀人才的需求日益迫切,这无疑给大学英语教学提出了更新、更高的要求。因此,转变和更新大学英语学习者的学习理念、提高其综合素质、满足社会对人才的需求,成为本教材的探索目标。 教材特色:根据《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神和要求,结合当前大学英语教学改革的发展趋势,编者力图以建构主义为理论基石、以动机为先导、以兴趣为动力、以学生为中心、以任务为基础、以自学为途径,编写了本套自主阅读教材。本套教材为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。 针对学习者的特点和大学英语教学现状,根据编写原则,我们组织富有经验的专家和一线骨干教师设计全书框架,编写样课单元在学生中广泛试用,并以问卷调查及座谈会形式就教材体例、板块结构、文章题材等方面广泛收集意见和建议,然后以此为依据对教材进行反复修改,力求达到材料的最优组合和体系的最佳平衡,以保持教材的科学性、趣味性和可操作性。 本教材注重学习者的学习兴趣、生活经历和认知水平,倡导自主、体验和实践的学习方式;强调“在读中练,在练中学,在学中用,在用中学”的学习理念;突出 C-R-E-A-T-I-O-N的八大特色: 综合性(Comprehensive)。本教材内容涵盖人文、地理、文学、语言、文化、法律、经贸、名人演讲、高科技、社会焦点等领域。充分体现了现代教育理论中的“多元知识观”,有利于学习者知识、能力、科学与人文素养的整体提高。 合理性(Reasonable)。本教材利用Range软件,对词汇出现的频率(Tokens)、文本的类符(Types)以及词簇(Families)三个纬度进行了测量,其指标均呈正态上升趋势,且梯度分明,适合学习者的认知规律。 体验性(Experiencing)。本教材所选素材大多是学习者日常生活中熟悉并感兴趣的话题,学习者能在学习的过程中感觉亲切、自然;有助于激活学习者相关图式(Schemata),增加学习’过程中的体验性,其实际运用语言的能力会得到很大提高。
Unit One The Art of Making FriendsPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Two Historical Characters in Various CulturesPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Three Modern Lifestyle vs Old LifestylePart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Four UnemploymentPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Five University FinancePart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Six Interpersonal RelationshipPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Seven EmotionsPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Eight Phone ToolsPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Nine LifePart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Ten Etiquette and CustomsPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Eleven Parents and ChildrenPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for PleasureUnit Twelve About HappinessPart Ⅰ Comprehensive ReadingPart Ⅱ Reading Skill and Word BuildingPart Ⅲ Reading in DepthPart Ⅳ Reading for Pleasure自主阅读能力自评表KEY
30 The wicked King was still determined to kill his nephew,SO he thought of another plan.Knowingthat Laertes and Hamlet were both clever swordsmen,he arranged for a match between them.Laerteswas thought to be a better swordsman than Hamlet and the King persuaded him to use a sharp.pointedsword(which was forbidden in matches)and to put poison on it,SO that Hamlet would almost certainlybe killed.Hamlet thought that it was to be just a friendly match and he accepted. 31 But as the previous plan to kill Hamlet had not succeeded,the King was determined that this one should do SO.He therefore placed two bowls Of wine near him on the table at the place where the match was to take place。and in one Of the bowls he placed a deadly poison planning that he would drink to Hamlet’S success during the match and give Hamlet the bowl of poisoned wine to drink.Thus Hamlet would be sure to die。either frOm the poisoned sword or the poisoned wine. 32 The day for the match came and Hamlet and Laertes started to fight in a friendly way.At first Hamlet seemed to be winning the fight.Then Laertes began to fight better than at first time,and the match became very exciting.The King was watching the fighters SO carefully that he took no notice of the Queen.She was thirsty and took up a bowl of wine to drink.The King did not see that she was drinking the poisoned bowl.At that moment Laertes cut Hamlet with his sharp.pointed sword.Hamlet tore the poisoned sword away from Laertes and wounded him with it.Suddenly the Queen felI down crying that she had been poisoned,and she died almost at once. 33 Hamlet ordered the attendants to shut the doors SO that no one should escape.