出版时间:2010-1 出版社:曾贵华 高等教育出版社 (2010-01出版) 作者:曾贵华
Since Wiesner first found that quantum laws may be applied for protecting legitimate information in 1969, the quantum cryptology——a combination of the quantum physics and classic cryptology——has attracted much attention since then. With further investigations, the infrastructure of the quantum cryptology has become more and more clear. To conclude these research results, some excellent books have been devoted to describe various aspects of the quantum cryptology, such as the Quantum computation and quantum information by Nielsen and Chuang, Quantum cryptography and secret-key distillation using quantum cryptography by Assche, and Quantum cryptology by Zeng. As a main application direction of the quantum cryptology, the quantum private communication which combines the quantum cryptology and communication techniques has recently made great progress. By far, various investigations on this aspect have been presented, even some techniques have been applied in practices. This means that the quantum private communication has entered gradually the commerce field. This book devotes to describe fundamental principles, typical schemes, and technical implementations for the quantum private communication.Because the quantum private communication has currently become a practical reality with products available commercially, it is important to focus not only on the theoretical topics but also on the practical issues. Accordingly, this book arranges the contents from pure theoretical descriptions to practical applications. To reach this aim, a broad range of materials are covered in this book, including how to protect confidentiality and authentication of the private communication using quantum tools and typical techniques for practical applications of quantum private communication in fiber telecommunication systems, wireless optical communication (including satellite communication), IP networks, and mobile communication systems, etc. Consider that cryptology, quantum physics, and information theory are necessary ingredients tobuild framework of the quantum private communication, brief introduction on these issues is employed to make the book self-consistent.This book originated out of a graduate course of lectures in Quantum Secure Communication given at the Shanghai Jiaotong University. The con- tent of this book is based on my investigations on the quantum cryptography as well as the quantum private communication since 1997.
《量子保密通信》内容简介:Quantum Private Communication covers the fundamentals of the areas of secure communication, quantum cryptography, quantum communication, and their physical implementation with applications. The book appears in a timely manner for an emerging field at the crossroad of classic private communication and quantum physics. Graduate students and scientists alike in communication engineering,computer science, electronic engineering, physics and mathematics will benefit from the book.
Professor Guihua Zeng teaches and conducts research at the Department of Electronic Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and spent an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship at the University of Freiburg,Germany.
1 Introduction1.1 Security Requirements of Communication1.2 Overview of Quantum Private Communication1.3 Private Communication Models1.3.1 Classic Secure Communication Model1.3.2 Quantum Private Communication Model1.4 History of Quantum Private Communication1.5 Relationship with Other Subjects1.6 Notations and Conventions1.6.1 Random Variables1.6.2 Cryptosystem and CipherReferences2 Quantum Security Theory2.1 Introduction2.2 Mathematical Background2.2.1 Hilbert Space2.2.2 Properties of Hilbert Space2.2.3 Operators2.2.4 Several Important Operators2.2.5 Matrices Decomposition2.3 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics2.3.1 Quantum Systems2.3.2 Dynamic Characteristics of Quantum Systems 2.3.3 Information Retrieval of Quantum Systems2.3.4 Fundament of Quantum Optics2.4 Introduction to Information Theory2.4.1 Entropy2.4.2 Mutual Information2.4.3 Quantum Fano Inequality2.5 Introduction to Complexity Theory2.5.1 Turing Machine2.5.2 Classic Complexity2.5.3 Quantum Complexity2.6 Security Model2.6.1 Information-theoretic Security2.6.2 Computational Security2.6.3 Attack Strategy AnalysisReferences3 Quantum Bits3.1 Classic Bits3.2 Quantum Bit Definition3.2.1 Binary Qubit3.2.2 P-ary Qubit3.2.3 Composite Qubit3.3 Quantum Bit Transformation3.3.1 Quantum Logic Gates3.3.2 Quantum Circuits3.4 Mathematical Property3.4.1 Bloch Sphere3.4.2 Orthogonality of Opposite Points3.4.3 Rotations on Bloch Sphere3.5 Physical Property3.5.1 Superposition3.5.2 Entanglement3.5.3 Distinguishability3.5.4 Quantum No-cloning3.6 Information Property3.6.1 Single Qubit Information3.6.2 Nonorthogonal Qubits InformationReferences4 Quantum Key Distribution4.1 Intuition on QKD4.2 Standard QKD Schemes4.2.1 BB84 Protocol4.2.2 B92 Protocol4.3 Quantum Communication Model for QKD4.3.1 Quantum Source4.3.2 Quantum Channel4.3.3 Quantum Sink4.4 Reconciliation4.4.1 Reconciliation Model4.4.2 Binary Reconciliation Protocol4.4.3 Non-Binary Reconciliation Protocol4.5 Privacy Amplification4.5.1 Privacy Amplification Principle4.5.2 Privacy Amplification Techniques4.6 Security Model for QKD4.6.1 Security Theory4.6.2 Typical Attack StrategiesReferences5 Quantum Cryptosystem5.1 Introduction5.2 QKD-based Cryptosystem5.3 Quantum Vernam Cipher5.3.1 Classic Vernam Algorithm5.3.2 Quantum Vernam Cipher5.3.3 Private Quantum Channel5.3.4 Security Model5.4 Typical Quantum Vernam Ciphers5.4.1 Classic-key-based Quantum Vernam Cipher5.4.2 Bell-key-based Quantum Vernam Cipher5.4.3 Teleportation as Quantum Vernam Cipher5.5 Quantum Block Cipher5.5.1 Theoretical Model5.5.2 Quantum Block Algorithm for Binary Bits5.6 Quantum Public Key Cryptosystem5.7 Typical Quantum Public-key Algorithms5.7.1 Algorithm based Subset-sum Problem5.7.2 Algorithm based Quantum CodingReferences6 Quantum Authentication6.1 Introduction6.2 Authentication Theory6.2.1 Authentication Categories6.2.2 Security Model6.3 Message Authentication Code6.3.1 Encoding Approach6.3.2 Hash Function Approach6.4 Quantum Identity Authentication6.4.1 Scheme Description6.4.2 Security Analysis6.4.3 In Imperfect Channel6.5 Quantum Signature Principle6.6 Arbitrated Quantum Signature6.6.1 Algorithm Description6.6.2 Security Analysis6.7 True Quantum Signature6.7.1 Algorithm Description6.7.2 Security Analysis……Index
插图:This chapter devotes to building a security infrastructure for the quantum private communication. To reach this aim, some fundamental subjects including quantum mechanics, quantum information theory and quantum complexity theory are introduced. Of these fundamental subjects, the quantum mechanics is the cornerstone. With these fundamental subjects, a security theory for the quantum private communication is built.In previous chapter, an overview of the quantum private communication has been presented and a quantum private communication model has been constructed. This chapter investigates the security theory for the quantum private communication. For convenience, this kind of security theory is called a quantum security theory in this book. As usual, both the information theoretic security and computational security which is very useful in practical applications are contained in the quantum security theory. Different from the scenarios in the classic private communication, however, the information- theoretic security and computational security are here based on the quantum information theory and quantum complexity theory, respectively. To construct the quantum security theory, three aspects are involved including the information theory, complexity theory, and security model. The information theory contains both the Shannon information theory and quantum information theory. The complexity theory is associated with the classic complexity and quantum complexity theory which is based on the quantum Turing machine (TM). And the security model is a general description for the quantum security theory based on the information theory and complexity theory. Before describing in detail the quantum security theory, some fundamentals including the mathematical backgrounds and quantum mechanics are described. They are actually the cornerstones of the quantum security theory.