
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《新编实用英语》 编  页数:200  


《新编实用英语》系列教材由教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》组织编写。本套教材认真贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则;注重听说技能训练,注重对实用文体阅读能力的培养,将应用语言基本功的能力与实际涉外交际相结合。    《新编实用英语——学学•练练•考考3》(北京版)是《新编实用英语——综合教程3》(北京版)的同步自学练习用书。本书紧扣《新编实用英语——综合教程3》(第二版)各单元的教学内容与体例,进一步巩固和扩大教材所设计的听、说、读,译、写等语言技能训练和词汇、语法等语言知识与用法的学习,是配合主教材供学生自主学习的好伴侣。    全书共8个单元,编排模式与主教材基本相同,每个单元都由“说”、“听”、“读”和“写”4部分组成,另有一个“小幽默”。书后有自测题、练习答案、课文译文以及生词表。本书附有多媒体学习课件,并配有录音带。


1 PROMOTING ACTIVITIES  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ maintaining a Sharp Eye    Passage Ⅰ Marketing:Key to Producing Bestsellers    Passage Ⅱ Business Is Business Around the World,Or is it?  Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun2 COMPANY PROFILES  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye     Passage Ⅰ A Perfectly Fair Business Deal     Passage Ⅱ A Perfectly Fair Business Deal(Continued)  Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun3 PURCHASE AND PAYMENT  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye        Passage Ⅰ My Shopping Experiences    Passage Ⅱ Convenience is Most Important  Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun4 TRAINING ACROSS CULTURES  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being ALL Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye    Passage Ⅰ My Study-Abroad Experience at Lancaster University    Passage Ⅱ Continuous Learning  Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun5 BRANDS AND ADVERTISEMENTS  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye    Passage Ⅰ Brand Name     Passage Ⅱ Brand China  Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun6 SHARING THE LOSS  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face    Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye    Passage Ⅰ Insurance    Passage Ⅱ Don't Slip Up on Your Cover  Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun7 BUSY AGENDA AND SCHEDULE  Sectiont Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye    Passage Ⅰ Inteview:Michelle Nguyen,President of LCD Designs Inc    Passage Ⅱ A Startup Story:John Deere ……8 THINKING GLOBAL,ACTING LOCALSELF-ASSESSMENTKEYS&TRANSLATIONSVOCABULARY&PHRASES


  Like most people in today’s fast.paced world,I don’t have muchtime to shop.If you waste my time,Ill hate you forever.  Ask most retail salespeople whatS most important to the customerand they’II tell you“low price”.Ask any customer,and they’II tell you“convenience”. That’s why I find myself shopping more and more online.I don’t havetime to go to the mall.and when I do,I’m forced to deal with ignorant,rude.indifferent salespeople.Idon’t have time for that.Id rather logon,pay a little more,and get it done with.Let me share a recentshopping experience with you:  Fnday evening,1 went to the mall.I hate going to the mall.Its crowded,noisy,too big,and they don’t have nearly enough mall directories to helpme find my Way around.  Nonetheless,I had just moved into a biggeroffice and I needed some computer furnitureand art for the walls.A friend recommended aquick.frame shop in the mall.She said they hada 0arge selection and their prices were quitereasonable.Well.I like“quite reasonable”prices.and a large selection 5S always a plus. When!finally found the store,1 was pleasantlysurprised.They did have a large selection,andthe prices were very reasonable.After a quick 000k around,I approachedthe counter。and(after waiting longer than Id like for a clerk to appear).



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