出版时间:2009-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:李萌 页数:115
在商务环境中学英语,运用英语技能进行商务活动,成为越来越多人的共同认识。由高等教育出版社指导、全国各中等职业学校参与的商务英语教材的编写,正是顺应了我国经济建设和社会发展急需初等商务英语人才的趋势。《商务英语阅读》是商务英语系冽教材之一。本套教材的适用对象是中等职业学校商务英语专业学生,也可以作为中等职业学校选修课程的教材,以及从事涉外商务工作人员的自学教材或参考用书。教材的计划课划时为72课时,学生在学习本教材后可以掌握商务活动中一定的基础英语,为日后独立阅读简单商务英语文章打下相应的基础。 该教材按主题分单元编写,主要内容包括:人力资源、市场调研、产品生命厨期、电子商务、国际贸易(2个单元)、商务类型、科技、定价、物流、保险、广告、市场组合、商标和客户服务,共15个单元,均为与商务基础活动密切相关的话题。教师可根据学生兴趣安排授课质序。根据中等职业学校学生年龄小、社会经验缺乏的特点,编者将实事性、直观性的教学与实践贯穿于整个编写过程中。教材的每一单元包含大量图片,涉及学生日常生活中常见的国际化产品和企业,同时保留了传统英语阅读教程中的部分内容,如问答、单词填空,以巩固学生对知识的掌握。
《商务英语阅读》是中等职业学校课程改革试验成果教材。全书密切联系商务英语工作实践,从岗位需求和用人单位需求出发,精选教学内容,培养学生从事商务英语工作的综合职业能力。《商务英语阅读》主要内容包括人力资源、市场调研、产品生命周期、电子商务、国际贸易、商务类型、科技、定价、物流、保险、广告、市场组合、商标和客户服务,均为与商务活动密切相关的话题。 《商务英语阅读》可供中等职业学校商务英语专业的学生使用,也可作为从事涉外商务工作人员的自学教材或参考用书。
Chapter 1 Human ResourceChapter 2 Marketing ResearchChapter 3 Product Life CycleChapter 4 Electronic CommerceChapter 5 International Trade ⅠChapter 6 International TradeⅡChapter 7 Types of BusinessChapter 8 TechnologyChapter 9 PricingChapter 10 LogisticsChapter 11 InsuranceChapter 12 AdvertisementChapter 13 Marketing MixChapter 14 BrandingChapter 15 Customer Service部分答案参考书目
Do you remember when the Nintendo came out in the early 1980s7 Excite Bike and Contra wereby far my favorite games, although my parents never let mehave one. They said it was too expensive,and that a newer,more high-tech version would come out in a few years anyway.Well,as much as we thought our parents didnt know any-thing when we were kids,they were right. A few years lat-er the Super Nintendo was released. Then it was the Nin-tendo 64,then the Game Cube. As I grew up during thesereleases,I started noticing a repeated trend with Nintendos: as old versions became less noveland more out-of-date, a new version would be released to kill off the old.For example,when the Super Nintendo came out,it cost around $ 200. Once everyone who al-ready had an NES bought the new Super Nintendo,prices dropped to around $150. After acouple years,you could pick up a new Super Nintendo for $100. Thats when Nintendo 64eame out,and it followed the same cyclical pattern. This cycle that Nintendo has gone through several times and will continue to go through iscalled the product life cycle. But Nintendo products arent the only ones that go through the productlife cycle. Virtually every produet has a life cycle, especially in a competitive market for that product.